What is the white pencil for in the chart?

What is the white pencil for in the chart?
What is the white pencil for in the chart?

It is only at first glance it seems such a simple question about what a white pencil is for. Moreover, the vast majority will answer it quite unequivocally - it is not needed for anything. But it is not so. The white pencil has its own, very extensive, scope. And it is not needed most often by those who do not need all other pencils. But for those who are going to draw something, it can be very useful. Especially if you have to draw on a dark surface.

What is white pencil for?
What is white pencil for?

So, what is the white pencil for?

The simplest answer to this question suggests itself - to cross out something and mark it on a black background, where a regular pencil will simply not be noticeable. This simple tool is widely used, for example, by designers and finishers when performing a wide variety of interior work. They simply will not understand you if you ask what a white pencil is for. And how to draw and mark if the background is dark? Those who sew clothes also often use it to draw small details and elements of fabric cutting, when a regular piece of chalk is not enough. But for realwide white pencil is used in a wide variety of graphics and applied arts.

what is the white pencil for
what is the white pencil for

A graphic artist simply cannot do without him

When building a wide variety of graphic images, this is an indispensable tool. With it, you can whiten any color or brighten halftones. How else to depict gray hair in a portrait if there is no white pencil available? You can, of course, but it will be very difficult. Often, graphics have to work not from a white sheet, but, on the contrary, from a dark plane, for which a white pencil is much more suitable. And in this situation, such an instrument has almost inexhaustible expressive possibilities. It allows you to achieve effects that cannot be obtained by other means.

pencil drawing paper
pencil drawing paper

Everything matters here - the direction of hatching, and the force of pressure, and the hardness of the pencil itself. Paper for drawing with a pencil is also of great importance. In no case should it be glossy, this should be immediately abandoned - it is unacceptable for drawing. The paper must be well glued, preference should be given to sheets of dense grades. The texture of the paper itself matters. Many outstanding works of graphics that adorn the world's leading museums are made on the most inexpensive wrapping paper. Of course, it is difficult to manage with just a white pencil. Most often it is used in conjunction with other graphical tools. But for any serious chart, the question is whyI need a white pencil, it just sounds ridiculous. But it should be remembered that the classics of academic drawing did not really recognize this tool. It was believed, and not unreasonably, that one should be able to draw without it. After all, we already have white color - this is a sheet of paper. But if there is a tool that significantly expands the arsenal of our capabilities, is it reasonable to refuse it?
