Quotes about favorite work of famous people

Quotes about favorite work of famous people
Quotes about favorite work of famous people

Most people want to be successful. And good work is one of the components of success. You can achieve heights in your profession when you enjoy your work. You must be doing what you love. After all, it is not for nothing that many successful people advise doing what brings real pleasure. You can find a large number of long and short quotes about your favorite work with meaning.

Aphorisms from philosophers

Some of the quotes about your favorite work come from famous philosophers and thinkers. After all, they talked not only on lofty topics, but also reflected on what a person needs for a happy life.

Find a job you fall in love with and you'll never have to work another day in your life. Confucius

If a person does what he likes, then he does not perceive this occupation as work. He feels happy because his hobby brings not only income, but also joy.

Man is not born to dragsad existence in inaction, but to work on a great and grandiose cause. Alberti Leon Battista

A person should not spend all the time in laziness and idleness. Every individual can do something useful. A great and grandiose deed is not what will lead him to glory. A great deed can only be for the person himself or for his loved ones. If it will benefit someone, consider that you have realized yourself in something important and necessary.

people on top of the mountain
people on top of the mountain

Sayings of writers

Writers are a perfect example of how a hobby has become a job. With the spread of the Internet, people have more opportunities to make their hobby profitable.

Work like money doesn't matter to you. Mark Twain

This quote about your favorite job says that money is not the main goal. You should do something that can both benefit and realize your abilities. Only then will you be able to have fun and achieve great success.

happy people
happy people

It's never too early to ask yourself: am I doing business or nothing? Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

This quote about your favorite work can be explained as follows: it is important not only to do what brings joy, but what is beneficial. That is, the main thing should be to develop your talents, improve the quality of life of loved ones or society as a whole. Then your work will be filled with meaning, and you will become happier.

The world consists ofidlers who want to have money without working, and jerks who are ready to work without getting rich. Bernard Shaw

Many people want to be rich, but at the same time do nothing and live only for their own pleasure. Therefore, they think about how to create an enterprise to work for them. Often they come up with something new that sets them apart from other entrepreneurs.

But there is a category of people who are too lazy to think. It is much easier for them to come to something ready and receive their salary. They are not ready to do something new in order to improve the quality of their lives. The saying of Bernard Shaw is a good motivation to start a business and work for yourself.

people doing what they love
people doing what they love

Sayings from books

You can find many quotes about your favorite work in books. While reading a book, you sometimes notice that a character thinks in the same way as you. And some literary statements motivate a person to great deeds.

Truly happy is the one to whom his favorite occupation provides the means of life. Bernard Shaw

Few people do what they like, not all working people can find pleasure in performing work duties. A person should look for positive, then he will treat work differently, and will be able to enjoy it.

Then I believed that work is the best cure for all ills, as I believe in it now. Ernest Hemingway

This quote with meaning about your favorite work can be explained as follows: whena person is busy, then he does not have time to think about problems. If he is focused on some actions, he feels needed and important. When a person works hard physically, he does not have time to think about problems. The brain rests and allows you to move away from emotions.

man rejoices in success at work
man rejoices in success at work

Sayings of successful people

Many quotes about their favorite business and work belong to successful people who were able to reach great heights in their chosen areas. People respect them, follow their example, study their success stories.

You need to work not 12 hours, but your head! Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs is an example of a worthy businessman who managed to become a legend during his lifetime. He urged everyone to learn to think, since this is no less difficult work than physical work, but it opens up more opportunities for a person.

He who works all day has no time to earn money. John Rockefeller

A person, especially if he is busy with hard physical work, does not have the strength to create something new. Most people believe that the more hours they work, the more they will earn. This statement is true if a person constantly strives for self-development and improvement of working conditions. Therefore, to become a successful person, you need to read more, be interested in the world around you. Then you will have more interesting ideas. Work should bring a person not only income, but benefits and a lot of positive emotions.
