Literature 2024, October

Elizabeth Howard: biography, bibliography

Elizabeth Howard: biography, bibliography

Elizabeth Howard is a famous English writer, popular model and actress. She wrote a large number of works that were successful among readers and critics, including "Carefree Years", "Chronicles of the Cazalet Family", and the last novel was even filmed

The theme of the poet and poetry in the work of Lermontov. Lermontov's poems about poetry

The theme of the poet and poetry in the work of Lermontov. Lermontov's poems about poetry

The theme of the poet and poetry in Lermontov's work is one of the central ones. Mikhail Yuryevich devoted many works to her. But we should start with a more significant theme in the poet's artistic world - loneliness. She has a universal character. On the one hand, this is the chosen one of Lermontov's hero, and on the other, his curse. The theme of the poet and poetry suggests a dialogue between the creator and his readers

Motive of loneliness in Lermontov's lyrics. The theme of loneliness in the lyrics of M.Yu. Lermontov

Motive of loneliness in Lermontov's lyrics. The theme of loneliness in the lyrics of M.Yu. Lermontov

The motive of loneliness in Lermontov's lyrics runs like a refrain through all his works. First of all, this is due to the biography of the poet, which left an imprint on his worldview. All his life he struggled with the outside world and suffered deeply from the fact that he was not understood. Emotional experiences are reflected in his work, permeated with melancholy and sorrow

The theme of love in the work of Lermontov. Lermontov's poems about love

The theme of love in the work of Lermontov. Lermontov's poems about love

The theme of love in Lermontov's work occupies a special place. Of course, the personal life dramas of the author served as the basis for love experiences. Almost all of his poems have specific addressees - these are the women whom Lermontov loved

Shemshuk Vladimir Alekseevich: biography of the writer and scientist

Shemshuk Vladimir Alekseevich: biography of the writer and scientist

Vladimir Alekseevich Shemshuk is a writer and scientist whose books surprise the reader with their content. In his numerous works, Vladimir writes about world history, drawing the reader's attention to those things that can change anyone's view of the world

Megre Vladimir Nikolaevich, writer: biography and creativity. Series of books "Ringing Cedars of Russia"

Megre Vladimir Nikolaevich, writer: biography and creativity. Series of books "Ringing Cedars of Russia"

Megre Vladimir Nikolaevich is a popular writer who created a series of books "The Ringing Cedars of Russia". The main character of his works is a young girl Anastasia, who lives in the forest and has amazing abilities. Thanks to his books, Vladimir Megre became very popular all over the world and even entered the list of the most influential spiritual leaders of our time, compiled by Watkins' Mind Body Spirit magazine in 2012

"The ballad of the valiant knight Ivanhoe". The victory of nobility over deceit

"The ballad of the valiant knight Ivanhoe". The victory of nobility over deceit

The novel "The Ballad of the Valiant Knight Ivanhoe" has become a model of nobility and courage for many generations. Sir W alter Scott managed to solve the most important task in his most famous chivalric novel. He literally untwisted the British epic of the times of Richard the Lionheart, and from the resulting one he wove a new one, immersing it in the shell of a novel

Sergey Baruzdin: biography of a children's writer

Sergey Baruzdin: biography of a children's writer

Sergey Baruzdin is a Soviet writer who wrote not only for adults, but also for children. In simple terms, he talks about the most important things in life. His books cannot be put out of hand until the last line has been read

Viktor Nikolaevich Trostnikov, contemporary philosophers of Russia

Viktor Nikolaevich Trostnikov, contemporary philosophers of Russia

Our contemporary philosopher Trostnikov came to philosophy from mathematics. He is not just a philosopher, but continues the dynasty of Orthodox Russian philosophers, among them - P. A. Florensky, N. A. Berdyaev, V. V. Rozanov, and at a later time P. Florensky, A. F. Losev, S. S. Averintsev and others

Proverbs about flowers, beauty and lies

Proverbs about flowers, beauty and lies

We all love flowers. They are luxurious creations of nature with amazing shapes and bright colors. The most colorful representatives of the plant world. Flowers are the heroes of various stories, myths, legends, fairy tales, folk sayings and proverbs

Poet Nikolaev Nikolai - the poetry of the hinterland

Poet Nikolaev Nikolai - the poetry of the hinterland

Poet Nikolai Nikolaev was born in Moscow in 1866. His family belonged to the bourgeois class and led the simplest way of life, doing nothing romantic and outstanding. Where did Nikolai show his love for poetry and literature? Maybe from an English mother? Or due to some tragedy of the beginning of life? What made him try to be among the people who tried to express themselves through poetry?

Analysis of the poem "The Magic Violin" by Gumilyov from the point of view of symbolism and acmeism

Analysis of the poem "The Magic Violin" by Gumilyov from the point of view of symbolism and acmeism

To understand Nikolai Gumilyov's poem "The Magic Violin", the analysis of the poem will be the best solution. Nikolai Stepanovich Gumilyov is known in the history of Russian literature as a representative of the Silver Age of poetry, as well as the founder of the Acmeism movement. The work "The Magic Violin" was written by him in 1907. Gumilyov was 21 years old. The young man managed to graduate from a secondary school, live in Paris for a year, come home for a short time and set off again to travel

The Tale of the Wolf. How to interest a child?

The Tale of the Wolf. How to interest a child?

All children love fairy tales. Especially about animals. However, how many fairy tales are already familiar to kids !!! I would like to tell the children something new, fresh … What can be your personal fairy tale about a wolf?

Aphorisms and quotes by Anna Akhmatova about love and life

Aphorisms and quotes by Anna Akhmatova about love and life

Anna Akhmatova is one of the outstanding personalities of the 20th century. Her lyrics have a unique charm. Of course, the theme of love occupies a special place in her work. The poetess was not just an intelligent woman, but also a strong one. Despite all the difficulties, she did not leave Russia and continued to write and translate. Below are some famous quotes from Anna Akhmatova

Estimate is more valuable than we alth: the main idea of the fable "How the man removed the stone"

Estimate is more valuable than we alth: the main idea of the fable "How the man removed the stone"

The reading program for elementary school provides that children in the 4th grade get acquainted with the work of Leo Tolstoy, reflect on the human actions of the heroes of the fable "Two Comrades" and look for an answer to the question of what is the main idea of the fable "How The man removed the stone. Let's find the answer to it

“Once on Epiphany evening”: what is the meaning of the ballad “Svetlana?

“Once on Epiphany evening”: what is the meaning of the ballad “Svetlana?

One of the most famous works of Russian romanticism is the ballad "Svetlana". Zhukovsky took the plot from the work of the German poet Gottfried August Burger, reworked it, giving it a Russian flavor and replacing the tragic ending of the original with a happy ending. A creepy story about a dead groom leading his bride away, common among Western romantics, in Svetlana turns into just a nightmare. Why did the author need to rewrite someone else's ballad?

The story “How the gramophone saved the rooster from death” is a wonderful sketch from village life

The story “How the gramophone saved the rooster from death” is a wonderful sketch from village life

In Russian literature by the 60s of the last century, the “village prose” direction was formed, which also had its own semi-official organ - the magazine “Our Contemporary”. Among the wonderful works of "village prose" the story "How the gramophone saved the rooster" takes its rightful place

Writer John Bunyan: biography, creativity and interesting facts

Writer John Bunyan: biography, creativity and interesting facts

John Bunyan is a famous English writer of the 17th century. Also known as a Baptist preacher. He is especially revered by the Anglican Communion. His most famous work is the Pilgrim's Progress to the Heavenly Country, which is one of the most significant works of English religious literature

Tales of Beedle the Bard in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Tales of Beedle the Bard in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

"The Tales of Beedle the Bard" is a collection of 5 short stories for underage wizards. In fact, there were many more fairy tales composed by the mentioned bard. But it was only to these tales that Professor Dumbledore allegedly made his own comments with his own hand, and therefore JK Rowling in her collection decided to confine herself to them. These are tales from the book that the great professor bequeathed to Hermione Granger after his death

Jean-Baptiste Molière, "Don Giovanni": summary, heroes of the work

Jean-Baptiste Molière, "Don Giovanni": summary, heroes of the work

The famous comedy written by the great French playwright Jean-Baptiste Molière, Don Juan (read the summary below), was first presented to the Parisian public on February 15, 1665 at the Palais Royal Theater

Maxim Tank: a brief overview of life and work

Maxim Tank: a brief overview of life and work

The article is devoted to a brief description of the life and work of the famous Belarusian poet Maxim Tank. The paper indicates the features of his work and some works

The hero of the "Trilogy of Desire" Cowperwood Frank. Character features, quotes and interesting facts

The hero of the "Trilogy of Desire" Cowperwood Frank. Character features, quotes and interesting facts

The article is devoted to the analysis of the hero of the "Trilogy of Desire" T. Dreiser. The work indicates the features of the hero and describes the change in his personality

The most interesting quotes about the profession

The most interesting quotes about the profession

Work and profession are integral parts of human life. By who a person works, and how he does it, you can tell a lot about his personality. Wisdom related to this area of life can be learned from outstanding personalities: politicians, economists, writers, poets and others. Read the best quotes about the profession in the article

Best business books: ranking

Best business books: ranking

Everyone once thinks about starting their own business, but many have not encountered this and do not know where to start. What business books should you read to start a profitable company?

Francoise Sagan, "Hello, sadness": summary, analysis and characteristics

Francoise Sagan, "Hello, sadness": summary, analysis and characteristics

From the novel "Hello, sadness", a summary of which is presented in this article, the creative path of the French writer Francoise Sagan began. The work was published in 1954. It was a brilliant success with both critics and readers

"Heart of a Dog". The problem of boundless immorality

"Heart of a Dog". The problem of boundless immorality

The word "dog" here means "extremely bad". A kind and affectionate dog turns into a disgusting, evil and ill-mannered likeness of a person, personifying all the low vices of the family. This is one of the essential problems of "Heart of a Dog"

Psychologist Evgenia Yakovleva: books and methods

Psychologist Evgenia Yakovleva: books and methods

Evgenia Yakovleva is a psychologist, one of the authors of the work "Erickson's hypnosis", the creator of techniques, numerous scientific articles and monographs. An important part of her research is the role of creativity in the development of school-age children

Alphonse Daudet: short biography, quotes

Alphonse Daudet: short biography, quotes

The works of Alphonse Daudet (1840–1897) infused fresh air into French literature and forever became one of its best parts. Alphonse Daudet was born in a southern province, and he has all the wild imagination of a southerner, but he tried to write about what he himself saw and experienced

Vlas Doroshevich, Russian journalist, publicist: biography, creativity

Vlas Doroshevich, Russian journalist, publicist: biography, creativity

Vlas Doroshevich is a well-known domestic journalist and feuilletonist. One of the most popular publicists of the late XIX - early XX century

Paul Frederick: biography and work of the writer

Paul Frederick: biography and work of the writer

Frederick George Paul is a talented American science fiction writer and editor. His writing career spanned over 75 years, from his first published poem in 1937 to his latest novel, All the Lives He Led (2011) and articles and essays published in 2012

Milk rivers and jelly banks: the meaning of a phraseological unit

Milk rivers and jelly banks: the meaning of a phraseological unit

The article considers the meaning of phraseologism "milk rivers and jelly banks". It is told about how and when this expression appeared, in what fairy tales and other sources of world literature it can be found. Examples from texts will be given

Shooting is one of the tricks in science fiction

Shooting is one of the tricks in science fiction

The so-called "fallers" are characters who, by the will of circumstances, got from their familiar world into a completely different one - a parallel universe, another planet, the future or the past. More often the hero moves directly physically, but in some cases only his consciousness gets into another world, being in someone's body

"Japanese room": author, content, plot and reviews of the story

"Japanese room": author, content, plot and reviews of the story

In the "Japanese room" A.N. Tolstoy tells a romantic, tender, erotic story of a young countess. Much may seem immoral, inappropriate, but the beauty of the author's style cannot be denied. Luxurious Japanese-style decoration appears as beautiful as the main character. At the same time, the plot of A. Tolstoy's "Japanese Room" is not devoid of fiery passion, which absorbed all the norms of morality and decency

Books you can't put down. Most Exciting Books

Books you can't put down. Most Exciting Books

Many people who sincerely love reading and the world of books in general sometimes want to “go headfirst” and read something that is completely impossible to put down. Detectives, the most exciting books from the world of fantasy and science fiction, mystics or superbly composed love stories - it doesn’t matter if the story is read with rapture, completely immersing in an imaginary world

Chekhov, "Ivanov": summary, plot, main characters and analysis of the work

Chekhov, "Ivanov": summary, plot, main characters and analysis of the work

Summary of Chekhov's "Ivanov" should be well known to all fans of this author's talent. After all, this is one of the most famous plays of the playwright, which is still being performed in domestic theaters. It was written in 1887, and two years later it was first published in a magazine called Severny Vestnik

Tolkien's Elvish languages: list, history of creation. Elvish names

Tolkien's Elvish languages: list, history of creation. Elvish names

J. R. R. Tolkien created the amazing world of Middle-earth, which was inhabited not only by people, but also by other creatures. The most beautiful were the elves, who spoke a beautiful melodic language. Readers liked Tolkien's Elvish languages so much that they began to study them and create special textbooks on the Elvish language

Markus Zuzak, "The Book Thief": a summary

Markus Zuzak, "The Book Thief": a summary

The Book Thief was written in 2005. Its author is a young Australian writer Markus Zuzak. The book was highly acclaimed by critics and readers. The world press enthusiastically reviewed the book, calling it one of the best literary works about the Second World War

Tana French (Tana French), Irish writer: biography and creativity

Tana French (Tana French), Irish writer: biography and creativity

French Tana is a famous Irish writer and theater actress. The author's books and stories are permeated with mystical stories, incredible life events and are of a detective nature. Readers especially liked her works such as "Dawn Bay" and "Life-Long Night"

Andrey Vladimirovich Smirnov - Russian science fiction writer

Andrey Vladimirovich Smirnov - Russian science fiction writer

Writer Andrei Vladimirovich Smirnov currently lives in St. Petersburg. At one time, he visited the laboratory of Andrei Dmitrievich Balabukha in order to learn the basics of skill from the famous science fiction writer. The author began to publish his works in 2000, and currently the books of Andrei Vladimirovich Smirnov are published under the auspices of Lenizdat

Matt Haig: biography, books, reviews

Matt Haig: biography, books, reviews

British writer Matt Haig today is the author of great books that have won the hearts of both adults and young readers around the world. Matt Haig's personal life is full of interesting events, many of which influenced his development as a writer