Art Nouveau style in architecture, painting and interior. How does art nouveau manifest itself in ornament, catering or decoration?

Art Nouveau style in architecture, painting and interior. How does art nouveau manifest itself in ornament, catering or decoration?
Art Nouveau style in architecture, painting and interior. How does art nouveau manifest itself in ornament, catering or decoration?

Smooth lines, mysterious patterns and natural shades - this is how you can characterize the art nouveau style that captivated all of Europe in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The main idea of this direction is life in harmony with nature. The trend has become so popular that it has embraced all creative speci alties.

Art Nouveau
Art Nouveau

How it all began

For a long time, representatives of creative professions copied the historical styles of the past in their works. This gradually led to decline and crisis. And now, at the turn of two centuries, new views on art appear, which in different countries received a variety of names - art nouveau, Velde style, modernism, modernism, secession, Tiffany style. Of course, such views did not arise on their own. Japanese art has had its influence.

In 1856, the Frenchman Felix Braquemont was fascinated by Japanese engravings on tea packs. Amazing nature, sophisticated women, the cult of the sun … This inspired the painter to create completely new paintings, wheredominated by rounded shapes and natural shades. Independence of form and color, expressive silhouette and whimsical contours very soon appeared in the works of other artists.

In 1890, a movement was born in England that promoted a new art focused on ornament. Entire schools of adherents of the "new style" or, as it is also called, art nouveau are being formed.

In harmony with nature

art nouveau ornament
art nouveau ornament

Very soon, the masters of not only painting, but also architecture, interior design, and jewelry crafts are imbued with the ideas of the "new style".

Each of the directions has its own characteristics, but there are also common features:

  • No straight lines or angles.
  • Rounded shapes, no clarity in geometry.
  • Natural shades and tones: marsh, brown, green, blue, gold, silver.
  • There are plant elements in everything - branches, vines, herbs, flowers. The main symbol of the style is the cyclamen flower in all its manifestations.
  • Image in patterns of representatives of the animal world.
  • The cult of a woman with long hair.
  • Use a variety of materials in the work.


Art Nouveau "untied the hands" of many creators in terms of self-expression. Classics and clear standards faded into the background. The main thing in art is an innovative approach, its own vision of nature and man. Down with imitation! Many works made in this technique are so unique that at first glance it is difficult to say that this is the work of a man…

Art Nouveau style in the interior

The design of an apartment, house or cottage, carried out in this style, will suit creative and extraordinary people who love nature in all its manifestations.

The main emphasis in the interior is on the absence of straight lines and even the corners of the rooms. They are visualized and shaded in every possible way. Windows, doors and doorways are rounded as much as possible and decorated with natural ornaments.

art nouveau in the interior
art nouveau in the interior

Art Nouveau ornaments - sophisticated girls reminiscent of mermaids, elements of flora and fauna - are suitable for decorating both living rooms and children's rooms, as well as bathrooms and kitchens.

Material for decoration is used very different. It can be a combination of metal, stone, wood. Glass is actively introduced into interior items, especially frosted or stained glass. The floors in the rooms are often made at different levels. A fireplace must be present (natural or imitation).

Feature in the details

Interior details are of great importance: molding on the ceiling, stairs and arches, as well as accessories - lamps, paintings, table lamps. Particular attention is paid to the bizarre forms of mirrors and huge furniture with rounded details, decorated with flowers and leaves. Furniture should emphasize the main idea of the designer - reunion with nature. Originality and sensuality distinguish the works of Eugene, Galli, Louis Majorelle, Victor Prouvé.

art nouveau ornament
art nouveau ornament

Art Nouveau in the interior is a complete composition, where all the elements and details complement each other. Notshowiness and brightness, a calm atmosphere reigns around.

Architecture innovations

art nouveau in architecture
art nouveau in architecture

The penetration of style into architecture led to the emergence of new building technologies. Materials such as glass and metal, reinforced concrete, facing ceramics are used. Structural elements are readily used - stairs, poles, balconies, wooden beams, terraces. Roofs are made in the form of folds, bends, cracks, shells. Walls and windows are decorated with moldings and cornices. Particular attention is drawn to the modeling on the walls in the form of vegetation and women with flowing hair.

Art Nouveau style in architecture is known to the world for the works of Victor Orga (he was the first to apply the ideas of style in construction). He made supporting structures made of iron in the form of plants, which not only attracted attention, but also caused delight.

Familiar to us entrance pavilions of the subway saw the world thanks to the architect Hector Guimard. Covered markets and pavilions for celebrations were built on the same principle. Often the style of that era was also called "subway style".

All the buildings of that time can hardly be called man-made, they fit so harmoniously into nature.

Jewelry Art

A kind of stagnation befell the end of the nineteenth century and jewelers. The fact is that expensive, natural metal was used for jewelry. And, of course, such accessories were available only to we althy segments of the population. The attempt of jewelers to use cheaper material in their works was not successful, and even more - led to the decline of the craft.

art nouveau style
art nouveau style

The heyday of filigree craftsmanship coincided with the work of the Czech painter and artist Alfons Mucha. Jewelers were inspired by the unusual decorations that Alphonse used to decorate women on his posters. Soon he began to design sketches of jewelry to order. Some of them are represented by the works of the famous Parisian jeweler Georges Fouquet. His most famous work based on Mucha's sketches is a snake-shaped bracelet.

Since then, in jewelry, it is not the cost of jewelry that is valued, but the artistic style, the design idea. Expensive diamonds are being replaced by semi-precious stones - opals, tourmalines, chalcedony, aquamarines. Enamel has become a favorite technique.

Jewellery becomes more sensual. Among the motifs are naturalistic themes: flowers, insects, animals and reptiles.

Graceful nymphs and mermaids

art nouveau paintings
art nouveau paintings

This is the only way to characterize the painting of the Art Nouveau period. The ornament depicted on the canvases captivates with its naturalness and unfeigned character. The main focus of the artists' works is the female body with rounded shapes, flowing hair and extraordinary beauty. Desire and tenderness, provocation and passion, excitement and innocence - how many feelings radiate art nouveau paintings!

Singing of female beauty came after the appearance of posters and posters of the Czech painter - A. Mucha. For a long time remaining in the shadows, he finally revealed himself as a true master of his craft! The response to his work was the work of Voller, Klimt, Hoffmann, Gauguin, Denny and other famousartists. In Russia, "new style" painting is represented by paintings by P. Bonnard, M. Vrubel, V. Vasnetsov, K. Somov.

The canvases depicted a woman in tandem with unusual creatures. The cult of the sun can be traced very clearly - in many works, the background is transmitted in the form of a circle decorated with flowers. The same natural motifs do not subside: shells and peacocks, stems and flowers, leaves and waves. Emphasis was placed on form rather than content.

Art Nouveau Catering

The concept of "catering" appeared relatively recently and remains unclear to many. However, in everything hidden and incomprehensible, simple things are hidden. Catering is translated from English as "general meals" and is an off-site service for banquets and events. In other words, an off-site restaurant. Cooking, serving, serving and serving is now available outside of food establishments.

Catering companies are the clarity and coherence of work, this is the organization of a holiday from start to finish, including decorating the hall and cleaning.

art nouveau catering
art nouveau catering

Such organizations provide several types of services:

  • Indoor cooking. For this, special banquet halls are used.
  • Outdoor service in nature. Basically, these are wedding ceremonies and murals.
  • Delivery of corporate lunches to the office, conference, meeting.
  • Casual bar (drinks only).
  • Social catering - restaurant services, but on customer's equipment.

The cost of services of such companies depends onservice level. Of course, social catering will cost less than VIP catering.

On average, companies charge 2500-3500 rubles per person, while the order must be at least 10 thousand rubles.

Wedding banquets in nature are very popular nowadays. After all, even the most elite restaurant is not able to replace the seashore, rivers or forest edges. It does not matter where the celebration will take place, the level of the event is important.

By entrusting the "main event of life" to catering organizations, hosts and guests will remember the holiday for a long time: decorations, furniture and utensils will be carefully selected in the desired style. Everything is carried out at the highest level, as if in the best American films.

A few words in conclusion

Art Nouveau did not last long after its dawn. After a couple of decades, this trend in art was caught in mannerisms and the absence of nature. It is replaced by clarity and geometry.

Representatives of creative professions, although they stopped working in the "new style", it still has not sunk into oblivion. Nowadays, this art is gaining popularity again.

Naturalism is always in fashion

New technologies and a variety of materials allow architects and designers to create unique things. Country houses made of natural wood are in demand, which, with their appearance and interior, reunite with nature from the inside and give a feeling of harmony and peace. The naturalism promoted by Art Nouveau will never go out of style.

art nouveau styleinterior
art nouveau styleinterior

Arches, forged and cast stairs with many leaves and curls, as well as intricate and extraordinary ceilings remained relevant in the design of the premises. Handmade decor elements such as lamps, candlesticks, vases are in great demand. Fresh flowers have become an integral part of the interior, ranging from small violets to exotic palm trees and other plants.

This style has also made its way into our bathrooms. Rounded sinks, bizarre shapes of bathtubs and showers not only attract with originality, but also significantly save space in this room.

"New Style" is a historically valuable and original phenomenon. Thanks to him, representatives of creative professions got the opportunity to express themselves, to be individual and not like others.
