Anna Ukolova: films, biography, personal life

Anna Ukolova: films, biography, personal life
Anna Ukolova: films, biography, personal life

Many viewers remember with love and tenderness the work of such talented actors as Alexander Abdulov, Yuri Nikulin, Evgeny Mironov and many others. They left this world, leaving behind a huge number of wonderful films, on which more than one generation of CIS residents grew up. They were replaced by new, but no less talented actors. Among them is Anna Ukolova. The actress, despite her rather young age, is in great demand. Until now, the girl has starred in more than fifty films. This stately beauty with ashy hair captivates viewers with her bright character and talented game. Even episodic roles, the actress performs so excellently that even after watching the film it is difficult to forget the girl.

anna prick
anna prick

Childhood and the path to art

On February 15, 1978, the actress was born. She was born in a small village in the Samara region, not far from the regional center. From there, her biography begins for her story. Anna Ukolova dreamed of the stage since childhood. Therefore, it is not surprising that long before graduation, she began to prepare for admission to the actingfaculty. Having received a certificate, yesterday's schoolgirl goes to Samara to try her hand. There she enters the Institute of Culture from the first time. After studying for four years, Anna Ukolova decides not to stop there, but makes her way further. With such an optimistic thought, she heads to Moscow. And the first time passes in GITIS (today's RATI). After many years, having already become quite popular, the actress admitted that at the time of admission, she naively considered this institute the best and only higher educational institution for studying acting. The rest - schools named after Boris Shchukin and Mikhail Shchepkin, the Moscow Art Theater School - were equated by a girl with secondary specialized schools such as vocational schools.

Studying at the institute

In 1997, GITIS opens its doors to a new student, who is Anna Ukolova. The actress enters the course of a talented teacher and director - Vladimir Alekseevich Andreev. Thanks to her own efforts, demanding teachers and love for her chosen profession, the girl soon becomes the best student on the course. However, the considerable efforts invested in the learning process are rewarded: in 2001, the girl graduated from GITIS with a "red" diploma.

anna ukolova actress
anna ukolova actress

Disappointment and attempt to leave

Immediately after the graduation performance, Anna Ukolova joins the troupe of the Theater of the Moon, where she is invited by director Sergei Prokhanov. On the stage of this institution, the girl participates in such productions as "Charlie Cha" according to the script of their chief director, "Summer Residents" based on the play by Maxim Gorkyand "Forest" based on the play by Alexander Ostrovsky. However, at this time, the young artist is faced with the unsightly realities of theatrical life. "Predatory" backstage life, intrigues, gossip, many hours of exhausting rehearsals, not always a decent attitude of directors towards actors - all this and much more prompted Anna to seriously think about changing her profession. The girl even decided to apply to the police school, where students were being recruited at that time.

anna ukolova movies
anna ukolova movies

Career start on screen

But one single case put everything in its place. In 2002, the actress received a call from the Mosfilm film studio and was invited to a casting for one of the roles in the TV series Kamenskaya based on the detectives of Alexandra Marinina. Anna Ukolova successfully passed the audition and became a full member of the film crew. She got the role of Anna Lazareva. It was with this character that the girl's film career began.

Immediately after the release of the series about a team of policemen led by a smart woman, Anna receives many offers from other directors. She starred in diverse films, including both films and TV series: "Breed", "Law", "Station", "Turkish March", "The Best City of the Earth", "Farewell in June".

Until 2005, the filmography of the actress has more than ten films. In 2004, the films “Papa”, “Russian”, “Four Taxi Drivers and a Dog” and the TV series “Balzac Age, or All Men Are Theirs …”, “Women in a Game Without Rules”, “Red Chapel”, where their talent demonstrated and Anna Ukolova. Films with the participation of the actress attractpublic attention. This bright girl is only able to convey the full gamut of feelings with her eyes.

biography anna ukolova
biography anna ukolova

Public recognition

In 2005, four more films were released, where a talented beauty is filmed: "Big Love", "Flip", "Cherub", "Children of Vanyukhin". However, critical acclaim for the actress brought a picture of Yuri Morozov called "Point". Anna Ukolova is already familiar with this director: they worked together in the TV series Kamenskaya. The film "Point" tells about the ugly side of the life of the metropolis, about its cruel laws of survival, about "night butterflies" and the realities faced by provincial beauties who came to conquer the city full of temptations. In this drama, the actress really brightly and sensually played the role of Anya - a girl with a broken fate and a wounded soul. In the company with Ukolova, the director's wife Victoria Isakova and his daughter Daria Moroz also played.

This film was recognized not only in Russia, but also in the United States. Anna Ukolova and two other actresses who came to the Chicago International Film Festival won the prestigious Silver Hugo Award for Best Actress.

Other roles and personal life

You can remember many more pictures with the participation of the girl, who really remembered the viewers. Among them are the series "The Nine Lives of Nestor Makhno", where Anna plays the role of Marusya Nikiforova, and the film "Wedding", in which the actress talentedly and piercingly gets used to the image of Alena Zvontsova, and the series "Witch Love", revealing Anna's talent to us on the other,previously unknown side.

Anna's husband
Anna's husband

One of the latest works of the actress is participation in the drama of Alexander Veledinsky "The Geographer Drank His Globe Away". After finishing work, Anna admitted that it gave her great pleasure to film on the same site with the talented Konstantin Khabensky. She was amazed by the breadth of soul, kindness and responsiveness of the actor.

Unlike many of her heroines, the actress is a born monogamous. Anna Ukolova's husband - Sergey - has been with her for quite a long time. They are always together. The actress does not like to leave for shooting outside of Moscow. On May 19, 2011, the couple had a son.
