Priznyakova Alisa: biography and twists of fate

Priznyakova Alisa: biography and twists of fate
Priznyakova Alisa: biography and twists of fate
priznyakova alisa biography
priznyakova alisa biography

As it turned out, finding any information about this artist is quite difficult. Either her life is so uninteresting that there is nothing to describe, or vice versa - it is so fascinating that you have to hide it. And in reality, Alisa Priznyakov, whose biography consists of several lines, does not pull on an interesting person. But let's get to know her better.

Priznyakova Alisa: biography

So, what do we know about this person? Priznyakova Alisa Viktorovna was born in 1973 and is a native Muscovite. Her father, Viktor Andreevich, is a police colonel. After school, actress Alisa Priznyakova (then just Alice) entered an art school, graduated from it and received a diploma in costume design.

After that, Alice enters VGIK to Anatoly Romashin (in his workshop). But after the release in 1997, the domestic cinema practically did not make new films and a serious question arose: "What to do next?" It required not just perseverance, but a manic passion for the chosen business, so as not to quit your profession. And Alice was lucky this time - she played in a play called"Hamlet" and in several tapes, including the famous "Accident - the daughter of a cop".

Priznyakova Alisa Viktorovna
Priznyakova Alisa Viktorovna

Now Alice is acting in films and participating in theatrical productions. She played roles in famous films and TV series: "Sarmatian", "Secrets of palace coups", "In the first circle", "Operational pseudonym", "Detective Gurov's Odyssey" and others.

Priznyakova is described as a spectacular, fashionable and elegant woman. She follows the figure, is engaged in fitness, swimming, ballet and yoga. As for diets, she does not recognize them at all. In 2008, Priznyakova had a son, who was given the name Daniel. Everyone knows what weight problems many women experience during and after pregnancy. But Alice pulled herself together and dropped sixteen kilograms that had come up in just two months, after which she returned to filming.

Amorous affairs

actress Alisa Priznyakova
actress Alisa Priznyakova

As it turned out, Alisa Priznyakova is not so simple. Her biography also contains some "spicy" details. Some sources report that Alice was the mistress of director Nikita Mikhalkov, that because of her, allegedly, he almost abandoned his family. The wife herself opposed this, threatening to commit suicide, and the children begged dad not to leave the family. As for Nikita himself, he was madly in love with Alice and did not want to cheat on her, even when the opportunity presented itself. For her, not for his wife. However, the mistress could not lead a double life for a long time - she had an affair with a rich man.jeweler, which broke the heart of the famous director.


Say what you like, but Priznyakova Alisa, whose biography is so scarce, is an ambiguous personality. The conclusion suggests itself that she used rich men, because, as they said, during an affair with Mikhalkov, she walked like a princess, who will soon get a huge and sweet piece of cake called "We alth and Glory." However, she never became a famous actress. As for the reviews, on the one hand, Alice is often praised. On the other hand, some do not weakly scold the "star of the screen", calling it "the most mediocre actress" and attributing all the laudatory comments about her only to her relatives and friends.
