Summary of Nosov's "Doll" - a story that will teach compassion

Summary of Nosov's "Doll" - a story that will teach compassion
Summary of Nosov's "Doll" - a story that will teach compassion

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summary doll nose
summary doll nose

Yevgeny Nosov - writer, laureate of the State Prize. Gorky. He has many works about the war, his native land. In his story "Doll" he raises the problem of spirituality, spiritual callousness of people. A summary of Nosov's "Doll" will help the reader quickly familiarize themselves with the work and draw their own conclusions about it.


This story has two names - the second one is "Akimych". Why? Because he is the main character of the story. A summary of Nosov's "Doll" will introduce the reader to this person.

The story is told from the perspective of Yevgeny Nosov himself. He tells about his comrade-in-arms, with whom they fought together during the Great Patriotic War. Together with Akimych, he participated in several military operations, including in Belarus and Poland. But one day a friend was hurt. The shell shock did not go unnoticed. Until now, although decades have passed, when he is worried, he loses the power of speech, turns pale, falls silent and looks at the interlocutor with anguish, while his lips are helplessly drawn out with a tube.

Somehow they went with Akimych to the bank of the once stormy and full-flowing river. Right heretransports the reader to a summary. Nosov's "Doll" begins with a scene near a pond. The writer talks about how powerful this river used to be. The channel was overgrown with grass, narrowed. Akimych sadly looked at this sight.

summary of nose doll
summary of nose doll

Here is a plot invented in his story E. Nosov "Doll". A brief summary will tell about an unpleasant incident.

Doll Abuse

One day the author met his friend Akimych. He looked very excited. He pointed to the roadside ditch where the doll lay. She spread her legs and arms. The face was still pretty. But the eyes were sunken in, and burns were visible on the beautiful hair. The dress was removed, and the blue panties were pulled off and the body also had burns, it was pierced by a burning cigarette.

Akimych took the doll, stroked it and said that this was not the first time. He saw that almost the same ones were lying around in garbage heaps. This is the sad moment the reader was led to by a brief summary. Nosov's "doll" makes you think about cruel and cynical deeds.

e nose doll summary
e nose doll summary

Doll funeral

Akimych said that when he sees this, he even beats him. And people walk past indifferently. Pass couples in love, families with children, and no one pays attention to the abandoned and mutilated dolls. Akimych is sure that this is from spiritual callousness and blindness.

The main character was not like that. This is what the summary is about. Nosov's "Doll" teaches the reader about kindness and indifference. Akimych tookshovel and outlined a place, began to dig a grave. He dug diligently and conscientiously.

The doll was about a meter tall, but the protagonist dug a bigger hole. He brought hay, lowered it into a recess, and already placed a doll on top of it. I also sprinkled hay on top. He straightened the clothes on the martyr and began to bury. "You can't bury everything," said Akimych with pain. Most likely, he meant human indifference, callousness.

The story teaches kindness and compassion.
