Dmitry Persin: biography, filmography

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Dmitry Persin: biography, filmography
Dmitry Persin: biography, filmography

Video: Dmitry Persin: biography, filmography

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Dmitry Persin is a famous domestic theater and film actor. In creative circles, he is well known as a musician, he was the winner of a vocal competition in Warsaw dedicated to the personality of the famous Russian artist and bard Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky. In this article we will talk about his biography and work.

Childhood and youth

Dmitry Persin's career
Dmitry Persin's career

Dmitry Persin was born in Novosibirsk in 1963. When I was at school, I was fond of various sports: water polo, boxing, mountain tourism. In those years there was a passion for music. In high school, Dmitry Persin began to compose poems and songs.

When he graduated from high school, he was drafted into the army. He served in Kamchatka in the border troops. Dmitry Persin himself later recalled that in those years he did not think at all about an acting career.

Once the unit in which he served spotted a Korean plane that crossed the airspace of the Soviet Union. It was a loud and scandalous story. As an encouragement, he and his colleagues received a referral to higher education. On the listthat he was offered were GITIS and VGIK, but Persin did not even think about becoming an actor.


Returning to civilian life, the hero of our article entered the branch of the Kyiv Institute of National Economy in Krivoy Rog. After graduating, he began his career as a deputy chief accountant of a carpet factory in Domodedovo.

Creative nature, which manifested itself in school, required self-realization. Soon Dmitry Evgenievich Persin begins to participate in various music competitions of the author's song. In 1988, he even won the Vysotsky festival in Warsaw.

Creative career

The roles of Dmitry Persin
The roles of Dmitry Persin

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Persin finally decides to link his future fate with creativity. In 1992, he got a job as a manager at a production center founded by Igor Matvienko. At the same time he enters GITIS. Studied at the Department of Variety Directing. The creation of the musical group "Numbers", which he himself headed, belongs to the same period. In 1999 their first album was released. Persin sings in chanson style.

In the early 2000s, popularity came to the hero of our article. In 2004, he became the voice of Chanson radio, and the following year he released the second album in his career. It comes out under the title "Where is". The musical "Comrade the Beast" is set to his music.

Acting debut

Actor Dmitry Persin
Actor Dmitry Persin

In the movies, actor Dmitry Persin first appears in 1999year. He was invited to play the lead role in the Israeli film Dots. But due to the military situation, the shooting did not begin. The only result of this experience was that Dmitry's data ended up in the catalogs of Russian acting agencies.

Then he first appeared on the theater stage. Director Pavel Ursul, having learned that Persin has a cycle of White Guard romances, wants to use one of the songs in his play "Chapaev and Emptiness" based on Pelevin's novel, on which he was just beginning to work. As a result of this collaboration, Persin himself receives an offer to play one of the roles in this production.

The actor played his first role on the big screen in the film "Third of February" directed by Natalia Mitroshina. He played the captain of the NKVD, living in a communal picture. It was a picture based on the works of Kharms. In it, a security officer flirts with a neighbor, drinks with her husband and feeds his son with sweets. In the morning he goes to work, where he tortures people in the cells.

The film itself was shot in the early 2000s, but it was released only a few years later under the title "Falling into the sky".

Movie roles

In the early years, Dmitry Persin got small and episodic roles in films. He appears in the films "Late dinner with …", "Russian Amazons". Plays in the series "On the corner at the Patriarchs-3", "Stiletto", "The best city on Earth".

Despite the fact that directors offered him tiny roles at the age of forty, he was not upset at all. Dmitry himselfadmitted that he took every opportunity to appear on the screen as a gift, a chance to show his creative nature.

Over time, he gained the experience he lacked. Film sets have become a good professional school for him. The directors appreciated this diligence and efforts.

man of war
man of war

In 2005, Persin already gets one of the main roles in the film "Man of War". He plays the head of intelligence of one of the partisan detachments in the West of Belarus during the war against the Nazis.

He played in several dozen films in total. Among his most notable works, it is worth noting the buyer Pyotr Andreevich in the tragicomic series "Truckers 2", the head of the prison in the drama Pyotr Buslov "Boomer. Film II", the owner of the foundation in the melodramatic comedy Boris Khlebnikov "Free Swimming", a notary public in the series "Milkmaid from Khatsapetovka ", Klima Svintsova in Alexei Kiryushchenko's comedy "The Adventures of a Soldier Ivan Chonkin", as well as Major Kultygu in the family drama Alexander Laszlo and Cecile Henri "Yarik", Ensign Chechev in the criminal serial drama "Witch Doctor".

Recent years

Biography of Dmitry Persin
Biography of Dmitry Persin

Persin passed away quite unexpectedly. He died in 2009 at the age of 46. He did not stop acting in films until the end of his life. In the year of his death, several films were released at once, in which he starred. These are Anna Karenina, A Few Ghostly Days, Village Romance,"Annushka", "District".

In 2011, the premiere of Nikita Mikhalkov's military drama "Burnt by the Sun 2" took place. In it, the hero of our article appears in the form of an officer of the People's Commissariat for State Security of the Soviet Union.

The cause of death of actor Dmitry Persin is a tumor found in the brain. He was buried at the Troekurovsky cemetery in Moscow.
