Irina Bunina: biography and films

Irina Bunina: biography and films
Irina Bunina: biography and films

In this article we will talk about who Irina Bunina is. Films with her participation, as well as a brief biography will be given below. We are talking about a Soviet, Russian and Ukrainian film and theater actress.

irina bunina personal life
irina bunina personal life


Irina Bunina was born in 1939, on August 17, in the city of Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk region. She studied at the Moscow Theater School named after B. Shchukin. In 1961 she graduated from it. Started to work. In 1961-1966 she played in the Academic Theater of Evgeny Vakhtangov. This is how Irina Bunina began her career. Her personal life will be discussed further.

Her parents, Aleksey and Claudia Bunin, worked all their lives in the acting field. The childhood years of little Irina can hardly be called happy. Times were hard and hungry. The family often moved from place to place. In search of work, Irina's parents knocked on all provincial theaters, took on any role, just to earn their daughter a living.

And now, everything seems to be working out. There is education, there is a profession, there is a dream, which, by the way, even began to come true. The fact that Irina was taken to the Vakhtangov Theater was a great honor for her. And they treated her very well. EspeciallyAttentive to Bunina was the then popular actor, Nikolai Gritsenko. However, the 50-year-old artist hid obvious sympathy behind a mask of helpfulness, which later turned into an obsession. He, being a connoisseur of female nature, managed to fall in love with a 20-year-old actress. He broke off his previous relationship and invited Irina to live together. Despite the age difference, Bunina was sure that she could become happy with this person. She agreed to move in with him on the outskirts of Moscow. But her dreams of love were shattered by the drunken life embodied in Gritsenko's lifestyle. She wanted idyll, and he wanted entertainment. She was looking for love, and he lived only passions. Moreover, these passions were directed not so much to a young lover, but to a drunken riotous life. Bunina left, but the revenge of the annoyed Gritsenko cost her work in the theater and her reputation.

irina bunina movies
irina bunina movies

In 1966, Irina Bunina moved to the city of Kyiv. She played in the National Russian Drama Theater named after Lesya Ukrainka. In addition, she was filmed at the film studio A. Dovzhenko. In Kyiv, she met a man who became the father of her daughter. This is the actor Les Serdyuk. Their relationship was short-lived. After the birth of their daughter Anastasia, they somehow quickly broke up, most likely on his initiative. Irina suffered for a long time, since her feelings for Serdyuk had not yet cooled down at that time. But her "tender heart" managed to recover from the shocks. And things started getting better at work. Bunina began to be trusted with big roles and began to be invited to the cinema.

Theatrical roles

She played in the following productions: "The Living Corpse", "Barbarians","Late Love", "Power of Darkness", "OBEZH", "Paper Gramophone", "Woe from Wit". Also reincarnated as a grandmother-mother for the play "Christmas Dreams". It was staged by Irina Duka, and the plot was based on the play "While she was dying" by Nadezhda Ptushkina.


Irina Bunina is an actress who has played many roles. In particular, in 1959 she starred in the film "Father's House". In 1960, she received a role in the film “I love you, life!”. In 1961 she worked on the film The Artist from Kokhanovka. In 1964, she starred in the films "Mother and Stepmother" and "Believe me, people." The end of the 60s was marked for Bunina by participation in the films "Two Years Over the Abyss", "Every Evening at Eleven", "Afrikanych".

In 1973, the actress received the role of Lushka in the television series Eternal Call. It was this work that brought her wide popularity. Irina Bunina perfectly embodied on the screen the image of Lushka, who, in search of female happiness, sometimes does not look too dignified and too relaxed. But this is only a mask, under which lies an oppressive loneliness.

irina bunina actress
irina bunina actress

In 1975, Bunina starred in the film "My Darlings". In 1976, the tape "Anxious month of spring" was released with her participation. In 1977 she worked on the films "Remembrance" and "Own Opinion". In 1979, she starred in the films "Trip through the city" and "White Shadow".

1983 was marked for the actress by the release of three films with her participation on the screens at once: “There would be no happiness”, “Mirgorod and its inhabitants” and “Whirlpool”. In 1989, the tape "My people" was released. In 1999 he is working onfilms "Birthday Bourgeois" and "Ave Maria".

From the latest films of the actress, which were released at the beginning of the new century, one can note “Lady Bum”, “Babi Yar”, “Russian Medicine”, “Phoenix Ashes”, “The Myth of the Ideal Man”, etc. e.

irina bunina
irina bunina

What about today?

Irina Bunina is very sick now. She underwent several difficult surgeries. She lives alone, but her daughter and granddaughter support the actress and do not let her lose heart.

And even though her creative path was thorny, and her personal life is full of suffering, she was able to maintain her dignity and did not let difficulties break her “tender heart”.
