Vyacheslav Ross: biography, filmography

Vyacheslav Ross: biography, filmography
Vyacheslav Ross: biography, filmography

Vyacheslav Ross is a well-known domestic director. He is also known as a theater and film actor, screenwriter, film producer. Among his most famous works, it is worth noting the paintings "Stupid Fat Hare", "Siberia. Monamur", "Son". In this article, we will talk about his biography and creative career.


Vyacheslav Ross was born in the small town of Berdsk, Novosibirsk Region, in 1966. His parents were engineers. In his school years, the hero of our article was engaged in a theater studio, entered the Novosibirsk Water Institute.

Having left the university, he moved to the acting department of the theater school. Having become a certified specialist, he was invited to the drama theater "Red Torch" in Novosibirsk. On the stage of this cultural institution, he worked from 1989 to 1996, playing the main roles in most of the leading performances.

In 1994, he made his film debut, starring in the Izhevsk film studio's "Shadow of Alangasar".

After that, Vyacheslav Ross leaves for Moscow, where he enters the directing department of VGIK. Hismentors - Vladimir Fenchenko and Vladimir Khotinenko.

Debut work

stupid fat bunny
stupid fat bunny

In 2003, Vyacheslav Ross made his first film. It was a short film "Meat". She received 27 awards.

In 2003 he founded the film company "Tundra Film". Success in the short film allowed him to receive financial support. In 2006 director Vyacheslav Rossi makes his first feature film. This is a melodramatic comedy "Stupid Fat Bunny".

The main role in the tape was played by Alexei Maklakov, who also played in his debut short film. In this picture, he appears in the image of the actor Arkasha Sapelkin, who has been playing only one role in the theater for the last ten years - the Hare.

Tired of the monotony, he begins to insert quotes from Shakespeare into the standard text during the performance. He is reprimanded, the actor receives threats from the director, but nothing can stop him from fighting for the right to be an artist.

The film won several international awards.

Siberia. Monamur

Siberia. Mon amyr
Siberia. Mon amyr

In 2011, the second film by Vyacheslav Ross is released. This is the drama "Siberia. Monamur", which received 70 awards at international festivals.

This is a story about an old Old Believer Ivan, who lives in the taiga with his 7-year-old grandson Lesha. For many kilometers there is no one around, only feral dogs.

Lesha begins to make friends with one of the animals, giving the dog the nickname Fang. When the old man can no longer hunt, from hungerthey are rescued by a relative, Yura, who brings some food. However, Yuri's wife, Anna, is against helping further, as they have repeatedly offered the old man to move to their village, but he constantly refuses.

Marauders appear in the taiga looking for old icons in abandoned villages. Another hero involved in this story is the captain and chauffeur, who were sent by the lieutenant colonel to the city to get a prostitute.


Film Son
Film Son

The next work of Vyacheslav Ross was the social drama "Son". In 2017, the film was shown at the closing of the Window to Europe festival. The picture was originally filmed as a mini-series for Channel One, but was never released on television. Then the director recut it into a feature film.

The main characters are a Finnish politician and his Russian wife, from whom the guardianship authorities seize their son Ivan on an anonymous denunciation. For both parents, this becomes a serious blow, but due to different mentalities, they react differently to the situation.

Husband is looking for ways to legally remedy the situation. The situation is complicated by the fact that he leads a party that claims to enter parliament in the next election.

His wife is captivated by emotions. Acting impulsively, she discovers that this is not the first time children have been taken away from Russian parents. The reason, it turns out, is that in Finland, foster families receive a lot of financial support from the state. Therefore, the business of removing children and transferring them to other parents is flourishing.

Now the director is 52years, he continues to work. Recently made a picture "Operetta by Captain Krutov".
