Film by Vera Watchdog “Traveling with Pets”

Film by Vera Watchdog “Traveling with Pets”
Film by Vera Watchdog “Traveling with Pets”

I would like to start with a small digression. In the famous film "The Man from the Boulevard des Capucines", the main character was called "Mr. Fest", that is, the First. This man brought a cinematograph to a provincial American town, which radically changed the lives of local residents. These were films about love and betrayal, dramas and comedies, they made people cry and laugh, become better and look deeper into themselves. And then “Mr. Second”, that is, the Second, arrived in the town. He brought completely different films: stupid, vulgar, but spectacular and understandable. And this second variety seemed more interesting to the residents of the town, it was in favor of such a cinematograph that they made their choice.

travel with pets
travel with pets

Since then, nothing has changed in art in general and in film art in particular. There are films that are smart, beautiful, touching the soul and disturbing the mind, which change the viewer for the better, and there are all the rest. Vera Watchdog's film "Traveling with Pets" belongs to the first category.

It was filmed in 2007 by the studio"Elephant" and in the same year was awarded the highest award of the 29th Moscow International Film Festival. Actress Ksenia Kutepova starred in it, Dmitry Dyuzhev played a central supporting role.

The protagonist of the film "Traveling with Pets" Natalya is a wild, silent young woman who, until the age of 35, remained in the cocoon of a life chosen for her by others. Her childhood was spent in an orphanage. When the girl turned sixteen, she was "sold" as a wife to an unfamiliar stranger. So she lived on a lonely stop, seeing nothing but passing trains, an unsociable, still alien "master" (as she called her husband) and her cow. The story of Natalia's life begins at the moment when the "owner" dies, and she is left alone. Her own "owner". For the first time, she saw herself and everything around her with her own eyes. The cocoon that had bound her all these years opened up and a woman was born. She is only 35, she is able to love and be loved, the whole world is open to her, and she is learning to open up to him.

movie travel with pets
movie travel with pets

"Traveling with Pets" is a parable film. Natalia meets people who pass through her life, bringing something new with them, but without changing the essence of her personality. She meets the driver Sergey (Dyuzhev), for whom she has her first strong feelings, but does not allow him to stay by his side and drive her back into the same rut.

The second person the woman talks to more than once is a local priest who is rebuilding the temple. He tells Nataliathat it is necessary to live in love, and without it - a sin.

The heroine decides to drastically change her life and move away from this gloomy wretched house, but she cannot leave her only friends - a dog and a goat (by that time she sold the cow), so she embarks on a journey with her pets by boat.

travel with pets reviews
travel with pets reviews

The ultimate destination of her journey is the orphanage where she grew up. This is the only place, besides the half-station, that she knows and where she is known. Here she meets her former classmate - a tall awkward man who remained to work in an orphanage as a physical education teacher. This person says a phrase that characterizes not only the movie "Traveling with Pets", but in general, how our life works. To Natalya's question about the family, he replies: “No, I didn’t get married. It's hard to be tall. And it's hard for little ones. Average good.”

The film ends with the fact that Natalia "takes" the boy from the orphanage, because she always dreamed of children and because he is as lonely and as red-haired as herself. He leaves the goat to give fresh milk to the "children", and sails away on his boat along the endless river towards fate with his only companions - a child and a dog.

The picture “Traveling with pets” turned out to be very feminine. Reviews she collected conflicting, but mostly laudatory. In order to form your own idea of this film, free up one evening, redo everything, sit alone in front of the screen and watch it.
