Nikolai Nekrasov: a short biography of the Russian classic

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Nikolai Nekrasov: a short biography of the Russian classic
Nikolai Nekrasov: a short biography of the Russian classic

Video: Nikolai Nekrasov: a short biography of the Russian classic

Video: Nikolai Nekrasov: a short biography of the Russian classic
Video: #acrostic poem#Learning Everyday 2024, June
Nekrasov short biography
Nekrasov short biography

Among the glorious galaxy of Russian classics, Nikolai Nekrasov occupies a worthy place. A brief biography of this poet, writer and publicist will be discussed below. How did N. A. Nekrasov enrich Russian poetry? Firstly, he introduced vernacular turns, Russian folklore and proseisms into the lines of his poems. Folk phraseology greatly expanded the range of poetry. And secondly, the poet was the first to combine different genres within the boundaries of one poem - satirical, idyllic, lyrical.

Nekrasov. Short biography of the poet: origin

He was from a once we althy landowning family. However, due to the fatal addiction of its members to gambling, the writer's father, Alexei Sergeevich, had only a small estate of Greshnevo in the Yaroslavl province. The poet's mother, Elena Zakrevskaya, was the daughter of an official. Parents did not want to pass off their beautiful and well-educated daughter for a poor and famous reveler and gambler of an army officer. Then Elena and Alexey got married secretly. Subsequently, she repeatedly regretted it. Drunken orgies of her husband, the impoverishment of the family due to card debts - these are the realities in which Elena lived, little Nikolai and 12 of his brothers and sisters.


Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov short biography
Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov short biography

Much in the mind is shaped by the early years. Nikolai Nekrasov, whose brief biography also reveals his formation as a writer, was born in 1821 in Nemirov (now the Vinnitsa region of Ukraine). At the age of three, the boy moved to the Greshnevo family estate. There he was an unwitting witness to the arbitrariness of his father, the beating of arrears, the humiliated position of his mother. It was to her, who died early, that he would later dedicate a number of his works (“Mother”, “Last Songs”, “Knight for an Hour”). At the age of 11, Nikolai entered the gymnasium in Yaroslavl, where he studied mediocrely. But there he wrote his first poems.


My father predicted a military career for Nikolai, and in 1838 he sent him to a noble regiment in St. Petersburg. But there he met his classmate at the gymnasium, a student who carried him away with the desire to enter the university. Nekrasov failed the exams. Left without material assistance from an angry father, he was forced to look for work. During these years, Nekrasov, whose brief biography would be incomplete without this episode, lived in extreme poverty. Sometimes he even spent the night in shelters for the homeless. Need not only introduced him to the worldpoor people, but also tempered character.

Talent recognition

N and Nekrasov short biography
N and Nekrasov short biography

How did such a classic of Russian literature as Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov mature from an obscure beggar? Biography - a short story of past years - cannot convey the difficulties that the poet had to overcome on the way to recognition. The first collection of his youthful poems was considered unsuccessful by critics. Nekrasov made his living by writing vaudeville, composing fairy tales in verse for popular publications. Finally, he decided to try his hand at prose. Thus began to emerge his own realistic method. Even greater success awaited the writer in the field of editing in the journal Sovremennik. Turgenev and Tolstoy, Goncharov and Herzen, S altykov-Shchedrin and Dostoevsky revealed their talent on the pages of this publication.

Mature years

Since the 1850s, the writer began to have serious he alth problems. In addition, the aggravation of political repressions in the country and the split for ideological reasons among the editors and authors of Sovremennik led to the fact that the magazine was closed. However, Nekrasov and his friends continued to publish poetry and various critical materials in Whistle, which used to be an appendix to the main publication. These changes influenced the general style of Nekrasov's poetry. She has changed, become accusatory, scourging.

N. A. Nekrasov. Biography: a brief description of creativity

Until his death from cancer in 1877, the poet continued to create. He was most glorified by such works as the poems “To whom in Russialive well”, “Russian women”, “Frost, red nose”, “Railway”, poem “Grandfather Mazai and hares”. His work was dedicated to the Russian people, their suffering and great hopes.
