Who is Doctor Who? (a photo)

Who is Doctor Who? (a photo)
Who is Doctor Who? (a photo)

Probably, in the modern world there are practically no people left who ask the question: "Doctor Who - who is this?" This British series has become so popular, even legendary. However, if you are among those who have no idea who Doctor Who is, then do not worry. We will help you fill this gap.

Doctor Who is a series about an alien, the Doctor, traveling through space and time. The first series was released back in 1963, since then, for more than fifty years, the series has been gathering crowds of fans at the screens.

So, the series has long become a cult classic, a classic of popular science cinema, a series that every self-respecting fantasy fan has heard of. To date, 12 actors have played the role of Doctor Who, and the series itself has become a two-time Guinness World Record holder.

who is doctor who
who is doctor who

Who is Doctor Who?

The Doctor is a crazy traveler through time and space, fighting evil and injustice. He always has a sonic screwdriver with him, which has a set of functions from banal opening / closing doors to expanding a crack inwall of space and time.

He is very smart and has a great sense of humor. From the outside, he looks like an ordinary person, but inside he is completely different. He has two hearts, a respiratory system that allows him to remain without oxygen for a long time.

But the main feature of the Doctor is, of course, the ability to regenerate. This process takes place instead of death, the alien is completely renewed both externally and internally. His appearance and character traits change. He is a member of the Time Lord race that lived on the planet Gallifrey.

How old is the Doctor? He is between 450 and 1200 years old!


doctor who is who
doctor who is who

The doctor travels in an old police box. People entering it for the first time cannot believe their eyes. She's bigger on the inside than she looks on the outside! It used to grow on Gallifrey until it was destroyed in the Time War.

According to the Doctor, he borrowed a time machine when he left his homeland. When taking off and landing, the TARDIS makes a very unusual sound, similar to "Whoop, whoop." It is known that earlier it could turn into various objects, but soon broke down and got stuck in the form of a police box from the 1960s.

TARDIS has become an integral part of the series, the word itself is now used not only as a designation for the booth, but also to describe what is more inside than outside.


The doctor almost always travels not alone. He is accompanied by fellow earthlings, usually no more than three people. Since the beginning of the series, this role has been played byover 35 actors. The Doctor's current companion is Clara Oswin Oswald.

The Time Lord's first companions were his granddaughter Susan Foreman and teachers Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright.

The Doctor is constantly parting ways with previous companions and finding new companions. Some of them returned home, others met love in other universes, some died.

Doctor Regeneration

Are you still wondering who Doctor Who is? Well, then let's look at each of its incarnations in more detail. Let's talk about the actors, satellites, favorite phrases, interesting details of the image of the alien traveler's regenerations. After that, the question: "Doctor Who - who is this?" - will lose its relevance.

First Doctor

Doctor Who
Doctor Who

Seasons: 1-4 (1963-1966).

Actor: William Hartnell.

Nickname: Old Man.

Favorite phrase: "Hmmmm?"

Satellites: Ian Chesterton, Susan Foreman and Barbara Wright.

Due to he alth problems, he was forced to leave the series, but the creators managed to find a way out of the situation: regeneration.

Second Doctor

doctor who is
doctor who is

Seasons: 4-6 (1966-1969).

Actor: Patrick Troughton.

Nickname: Clown (Jester), Space Tramp.

Favorite phrase: "Aunt gracious!"

Satellites: Ben Jackson, Polly, Victoria Waterfield, Jamie McCrimmon and Zoey Hariot.

Third Doctor

doctor who series
doctor who series

Seasons: 7-11 (1970-1974).

Actor: Jon Pertwee.

Nickname: Dandy.

Favorite phrase: "Now listen to me!"

Satellites: Sarah Jane Smith, Joe Grant and Liz Shaw.

He was sent to Earth to help the military organization UNIT fight off alien attacks.

The Fourth Doctor

who is doctor who
who is doctor who

Seasons: 12-18 (1974-1981).

Actor: Tom Baker.

Feature: long colorful scarf.

Favorite phrase: "Do you want some marmalade?"

Satellites: Harry Sullivan, Sarah Jane Smith, Leela, K9 robot dog, Romana, Nissa, Teagan, Adrik.

The Fifth Doctor

doctor who is who
doctor who is who

Seasons: 19-21 (1982-1984).

Actor: Peter Davison.

Special Sign: The kindest of all regenerations.

Favorite phrase: "Brilliant!"

Satellites: Teagan, Nissa, Adrik, Vislor Turlow, Kamelion.

Sixth Doctor

who is doctor who
who is doctor who

Seasons: 21-23 (1984-1986).

Actor: Colin Baker.

Special Sign: Colorful Umbrella.

Satellites: Peri Brown, Melanie Bush.

The Seventh Doctor

who is doctor who
who is doctor who

Seasons: 24-26 (1987-1989, 1996).

Actor: Sylvester McCoy.

Special Features:

• “died” twice;

• exact age known: 930 years.

Satellites: Ace, Melanie Bush, Bernice Summerfield.

Eighth Doctor

Paul McGann
Paul McGann

Seasons: feature film (1996).

Actor: Paul McGann.

Special Features:

• amnesia;

•the first Doctor to risk kissing someone.

Favorite phrase: "Will it hurt?"

Satellites: Grace Holloway.

The Ninth Doctor

Christopher Eccleston
Christopher Eccleston

Seasons: 1 in the revival series (2005).

Actor: Christopher Eccleston.

Nickname: Calm.

Favorite phrase: "Fantastic!"

Companions: Rose Tyler and Jack Harkness.

Tenth Doctor

David Tennant
David Tennant

Seasons: 2-4 in the new Doctor (2005-2010).

Actor: David Tennant.

Features: long coat, Converse sneakers.

Favorite phrase: "Allons-y!" translated from French "Forward!".

Satellites: Rose Tyler, Donna Noble, Mickey Smith, Martha Jones.

Eleventh Doctor

Matt Smith
Matt Smith

Seasons: 5-7 (2010-2013).

Actor: Matt Smith.

Features: bow tie, fez

Favorite phrase: "Geronimo!" ("Geronimo!").

Satellites: River Song, Rory Williams, Amelia Pond, Clara Oswald.

The Twelfth Doctor

peter capaldi
peter capaldi

Seasons: 8 (2013 - present).

Actor: Peter Capaldi.

Nickname: Good Dalek.

Satellites: Clara Oswald.

Who is Doctor Who fighting?

far away
far away

Throughout his life, the Doctor meets a huge number of different alien monsters. Let's talk about the most popular ones.

• The Daleks are half cyborgs, a mixture of a tank and a robot, the main enemies of the Doctor.

• Autons - creatures from the livingplastic, controlled by the Nestin Consciousness.

• The Cybermen are a race of people who encased their brains in an iron shell.

• The Sontarans are humanoid dwarfs who consider war to be the meaning of life.

• Weeping Angels are alien statues covering their eyes with their hands. The person touched by the Angel falls into a random point in time and can no longer go back. They only move when they are not being looked at.

• The Master is a Time Lord, a close friend of the Doctor in the past, and now his worst enemy.


Now you know who Doctor Who is. This is a cult classic of the genre and a whole era. "Doctor Who" is an amazing series about a funny traveler in time and space, which every year increases the army of fans. In 2013, he celebrated his 50th birthday, and this is only the beginning, believe me!
