What to see from fiction: the choice of a homebody

What to see from fiction: the choice of a homebody
What to see from fiction: the choice of a homebody

From time to time everyone wonders what movie to watch. Fiction in both literature and cinema is an incredibly popular genre.

what to see from fantasy
what to see from fantasy

It is so diverse that any viewer will find something for themselves. Depending on the desire, you can follow the adventures of the characters on another planet, in another time or even a parallel dimension. The inexhaustible imagination of the scriptwriters, combined with the capabilities of directors and producers, creates the most bizarre worlds that are so nice to plunge into.

But before deciding what to watch from fiction, you need to make a choice between two options: watching at home in a comfortable chair or going to the cinema. Both methods have many advantages, so it is pointless to compare them. It’s just that some prefer to watch movies wrapped in a blanket and with a mug of hot tea, while others prefer to watch movies in front of a big screen with a bucket of popcorn and a bottle of soda. However, you need to understand that there are films that lose a lot if they are not watched in a cinema. As a rule, these are films with large-scale scenes: space battles (“Star Wars”, “Star Trek”), battles between two armies (“Lord of the Rings”), beautifullandscapes and views ("The Hobbit", "Harry Potter"), interesting angles ("Oblivion", "The Fifth Element"). But along with these, there are films that you can watch without worrying about not seeing them on the big screen.

What sci-fi to watch at home: old favorite movies

1. The Truman Show.

2. "Confessions of the Invisible".

what movie to watch fantasy
what movie to watch fantasy

3. "Back to the Future", all parts.

4. Butterfly effect.

5. "Ghost".

6. Route 60.

7. Stalker.

8. "Planet Ka-Pax"

9. Stardust.

10. Pan's Labyrinth.

11. "Water World".

12. Heart of a Dog.

13. "Practical Magic".

14. "Johnny Mnemonic".

15. "Firefly" and "Mission Sirenity" - series and feature film respectively

What fantasy to watch at home to tickle your nerves

1. "Cube", three parts. Mix of fantasy, psychological thriller and horror.

2. "District number 9". The film captures after the first 5 minutes of viewing

what to see from fantasy
what to see from fantasy

tra and keeps you in suspense until the very end. Aliens are shown from an unexpected side - not invaders and not higher beings, rather refugees and renegades.

3. "Black hole". The first film about Riddick, a mixture of action fiction and horror.

What sci-fi to watch at home: new movies

1. "Star Trek. Retribution". In general, the film loses to the first part both in terms of the sharpness of the plot and in terms of entertainment, but watchcan. Mainly because of the colorful main villain, played by Benedieth Cumberbatch (the main role in the Sherlock TV series).

2. "World War Z". Another version of the zombie apocalypse.

3. "Guest". Aliens take over human bodies, civilization is almost destroyed, but, as always happens, there is a last chance…

If you still haven't decided what to watch in science fiction, use the following tips:

- look for films by your favorite director, such masters as Luc Besson, Guillermo del Toro, James Cameron, Christopher Nolan and many others have been successfully working in the science fiction genre for a long time;

- ask your friends: of course, everyone has different tastes, but still there is a chance to stumble upon something worthwhile;

- do not forget about the continuation of popular films: as a rule, any movie that was successful with the audience is simply doomed to continue.

Happy viewing!
