How much does a beginner synthesizer cost?

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How much does a beginner synthesizer cost?
How much does a beginner synthesizer cost?

Video: How much does a beginner synthesizer cost?

Video: How much does a beginner synthesizer cost?
Video: DANCE CRAZES OF THE '60S (Compiled by Toni Basil) 2024, June

Love for live music in a person can awaken at any age: at the age of six, and at sixty. The most popular type of instrument is the keyboard. But do not buy the same piano - it is too bulky, and also requires regular tuning. But you can buy an electronic analogue, which is easy to transport and takes up very little space. How much does a synthesizer cost? What models are most in demand? And how to choose the right tool?

yamaha synthesizer
yamaha synthesizer

Types of synthesizers

How much such a tool costs is difficult to answer unambiguously. There are many varieties of them, and which model to choose depends on the goals and objectives of the novice musician. The answer to the question of how much a synthesizer costs depends, of course, on the functions of the instrument. There are four types here:

  1. Compact tools with minimal features.
  2. Semi-professionalsynths with extended features.
  3. Professional instruments with seven to eight octaves and over a hundred functions.
  4. Digital pianos, which are instruments that sound like real pianos.

What do you need a synthesizer for? For serious, regular classes? Or maybe you are planning to present such an instrument as a birthday present to a teenager who has not yet decided on his passions? A digital piano costs a lot, which means that only someone who really plans to play music should buy such a thing.

yamaha digital piano
yamaha digital piano

How much does a beginner synthesizer cost? Within 5-10 thousand rubles. And this is a wonderful gift for a child who, perhaps, will later join the wonderful world of music.


The main feature of the instrument is the balance of the keys. Another important indicator is passivity or activity. In the first case, the sound does not depend on the pressing force. An instrument with active keys, on the other hand, is capable of conveying various shades of a piece of music.

What are shades?

If you open the score, you will see, along with the signs that represent the notes, many others. There are also those that denote shades of loudness: “forte”, “piano”, “fortissimo”, “crescendo”. So, the last term means a gradual increase in sound, in musical notation it is displayed as a “fork”. All these details are very important. After all, the same piece of music can be played differently.different.

Those who dream of learning to play Moonlight Sonata or Chopin's w altzes should not even be interested in how much a Yamaha synthesizer with unweighted keys costs. Playing a classical piece on such an instrument is like learning to dance a w altz at a disco in a nightclub. And for those who consider playing the keyboard as a hobby, you can buy an inexpensive instrument with no frills.

musical notation
musical notation

How much does a Yamaha synthesizer cost? Model PSR-E243, for example - 12,500 rubles. This is a good option for beginner musicians. With the help of such a tool, you can understand the basics of musical notation and learn a few simple melodies. For serious pursuits, the Yamaha PSR-E453 is suitable. The price of such a model is 27,000 rubles. The keys are sensitive to pressing, which means that an experienced musician on such an instrument will be able to convey the depth of sound.

seven octave synthesizer
seven octave synthesizer


Tool for a child can be bought from 3600 rubles. How much does a six octave synthesizer cost? At least twice the price. The children's instrument for the baby has a range of 3.5 octaves. For example, Ringway K-15 is a compact model with a small keyboard. It has only 37 keys, which will be enough only for someone who takes their first steps in music.

How much does a Yamaha four octave synthesizer cost? The price of the PSR-E253 model is 12,300 rubles. Such an instrument has 61 keys, which is also not enough for full-fledged classes. Moreover, a tool from the same manufacturer with the same range can cost two to three timesexpensive. For example, Yamaha PSR-E443 (28,500 rubles). The price is affected not only by the number of keys, but also by the range of functions and accompaniment styles.

synthesizer 4 octaves
synthesizer 4 octaves

Should I buy an expensive model?

Seven octave synthesizers are professional instruments. Before you buy such a tool, you should understand your goals well. Will a beginner musician get bored with classes after a few days? Will the tool collect dust in the corner? In general, a synthesizer of five octaves is enough for an amateur game. But for serious classes, you can safely buy a model with a wider range.

The most common variant is an instrument with 61 keys. By the way, the prices for such synthesizers vary between 10-90 thousand rubles. Instruments for six or seven octaves are expensive, and even less in demand. Say, how much does a Casio synthesizer with 76 keys cost? The price for CASIO WK-7600 is 35 thousand rubles. And this, of course, is not the most expensive model from a well-known manufacturer. Casio synthesizers are found in online stores at prices up to one hundred thousand rubles.

professional synthesizers
professional synthesizers

Synthesizers also include digital pianos. However, this is a slightly different tool. It is compact, easy to transport, but is a complete replacement for a bulky counterpart. The cost is from one hundred thousand rubles. And now let's look at other features of synthesizers that affect the cost.


The word "synthesizer" comes from the verb "synthesize". Such an instrument synthesizes varioussounds. That is, a musician can reproduce a polyphonic work using certain functions. This is an important feature of the instrument, which, along with the range and type of keys, also affects the cost. In modern models, the polyphony index varies between 32-64 sounds.

Accompaniment Styles

We already mentioned this function above. An accompaniment style is a sound or rhythm in a particular style of music. A person who does not have a special education, after a few classes, can reproduce the famous melody in various genres. For example, play "Moscow Nights" in the style of jazz or country music. The value of this indicator is determined by the number of mixing options.

For a child of seven to ten years, it is better to purchase a relatively inexpensive option - a synthesizer worth seven to eight thousand rubles. It makes no sense to buy very cheap models. In stores, there are inexpensive synthesizers with keys that do not correspond to the standard size. With them, a young musician will get used to holding his hand in a certain way while playing, and it will be almost impossible to retrain him in the future.

casio synthesizer
casio synthesizer

Top Producers

It is believed that the highest quality synthesizers are Yamaha and Casio. But there are other companies that make high quality tools. For example, "Korg" and "Roland". But almost all famous manufacturers are Japanese companies that entered the world market in the twentieth century. And some even earlier.

For example, the history of Yamaha starts at the end19th century. In 1887, its founder produced an organ that was superior in sound quality to most similar keyboard instruments. Today, the Japanese company offers a very wide selection of models for both beginners and professional musicians. Casio has been around since 1957. Today it is one of the most famous manufacturers of musical equipment in the world.
