Actress Ekaterina Maslovskaya: roles, personal life

Actress Ekaterina Maslovskaya: roles, personal life
Actress Ekaterina Maslovskaya: roles, personal life

Beauty Ekaterina Maslovskaya got a bright puppet appearance. The bottomless eyes of a girl are able to conquer at first sight. With such external data, Katya was definitely guaranteed success in the world of cinema. But, of course, appearance alone (a pretty face and a sports figure) is not enough - the actor must be a multifaceted and talented person. Kate is a great combination of both. The audience remembered and fell in love with her after the role of Tatyana in the series "Women's Stories". There are many interesting facts in the biography of Ekaterina Maslovskaya.

actress Ekaterina Maslovskaya
actress Ekaterina Maslovskaya

Childhood is a magical time

In mid-January 1982, a wonderful baby appeared in the Maslovsky family. Parents thought for a long time what to name the girl, but they chose the name Ekaterina - in honor of her grandmother on her father's side. The future actress of Russian cinema was born and raised insmall town of Pushkino, which was located near Moscow. As the girl recalls in her interviews, she never loved this place. She, dynamic and restless, was bored in a small town where there was practically nowhere to go.

Ekaterina Maslovskaya grew up as an inquisitive and active girl. Her energy was just over the top. In order to direct her in the right direction, her mother sent Katya to a choreographic school. Here the girl was taught music and developed her dancing abilities. The classes were taught by experienced teachers, each with their own unique approach to children. It was necessary to visit the circle five times a week, and give all the best - one hundred percent. Of course, it was difficult for the girl to combine regular school and dance classes, but she coped. Katya even managed to participate in school amateur performances and performances. For the first time on stage, she played the role of a fish in the ballet "Underwater Kingdom". The little star really enjoyed the new experience, but she decided to become an actress a little later.

pavel maikov and ekaterina maslovskaya
pavel maikov and ekaterina maslovskaya

Climbing the creative Olympus

After graduating from school, Ekaterina Maslovskaya got a job as a consultant in a cosmetic company. True, the big stage continued to beckon her. Even in high school, Ekaterina Maslovskaya was lucky enough to get into the troupe of the popular musical "Metro". Here the girl gained experience and honed her acting skills.

The turning point in Catherine's life was the casting for the musical "Notre Dame de Paris". Blonde beauty easily got what she wantedthe role of Fleur de Lis. She managed to create a stunning image, which was enthusiastically accepted by both the audience and strict film critics. The girl's vocal abilities were appreciated - the popular group Jam offered Katya to become a soloist, but the girl dreamed of becoming an actress, not a singer.

In 2005, Ekaterina's dream came true - she got the role of Marina in the series "Thank you for everything." She was amazingly able to embody a complex image on the screen. Then there was the role of Tatyana, after which millions of viewers fell in love with the girl.

Ekaterina Maslovskaya: personal life

Still very young, at 19, the girl married the star of the series "Brigade" - Pavel Maikov.

pavel mikov
pavel mikov

They met when the young man was not yet famous. With beautiful courtship, Pavel was able to win the heart of a beauty. In 2003, the couple had a son. True, young people did not live together for a long time. The reasons for the family collapse are called different: Pavel's addiction to noisy parties and alcohol, frequent family scandals with loud screams, and much more. For Catherine, the betrayal of her husband became the last straw. The most unpleasant thing was that the object of Paul's sympathy was Catherine's close friend, the godmother of her son, Maria Saffo. Katya for a very long time and painfully experienced the collapse of her family, she thought that she would not love anyone else. However, everything changed when she met Vladimir. She married this charming police officer.

Ekaterina Maslovskaya and Pavel Maikov
Ekaterina Maslovskaya and Pavel Maikov

Interesting facts

ActressEkaterina Maslovskaya is very short - only 158 centimeters. However, this does not spoil her at all, on the contrary, she looks like a miniature doll.

The girl had her first film experience at the age of 12. She played the daughter of Yulia Beroeva in the series "Petersburg Secrets". The director's assistant noticed Katya when she and her mother went shopping at the grocery store.

To promote the musical "Metro" and increase the interest of the audience in it, the girl starred in a candid photo shoot. Her hot photos have become a good advertisement for the musical, especially among the male audience.
