The famous Mr. Heisenberg - who is this?

The famous Mr. Heisenberg - who is this?
The famous Mr. Heisenberg - who is this?

Surely many watched the series "Breaking Bad". However, those who stayed away from watching the sensational television series are still wondering: "Mr. Heisenberg - who is this, and why is he so popular?"

Mr. Heisenberg's game was called "the greatest game in the history of cinema"

The world-famous series Breaking Bad (in the Russian version of the film is called Breaking Bad) was released in 2008 and was broadcast on the American AMC TV channel. Later, the series went around the world and won a huge number of fans. The TV project tells about the difficult fate of an adult man and his young partner, who produced and sold drugs in their purest form. The series is so controversial and exciting that it was awarded the first place among all the series in the rating compiled by IMDb. In addition, he received two Golden Globe awards, nine Emmy statuettes, as well as a huge amount of rave reviews from around the world. For example, the famous Hollywood actor Anthony Hopkins, amazed by the acting of Bryan Cranston (Mr. Heisenberg), called it "the greatest game in the history of cinema."

It would seem that the hero of the TV series “Voall serious,”Mr. Heisenberg, leading such a lifestyle, is not at all a positive hero. However, viewers' opinions differ. Indeed, when watching the series directly, you begin to think: so after all, Mr. Heisenberg - who is this? A person who has been unlucky in life, or one to whom life has given a unique opportunity to change everything?

Mr. Heisenberg - who is this: a man who went "breaking bad" for the sake of family or for pleasure?

The protagonist of the Breaking Bad series is W alter White (it is he who is destined to become Mr. Heisenberg in the future). W alter is fifty years old, he is an exemplary family man. In addition, W alter White is a brilliant, talented chemist: he could have had a great future, but life turned out so that he had to get a job as a school chemistry teacher. I must say that the life of the protagonist is not particularly favored: a pregnant non-working wife, a disabled son from birth, a small salary of a school teacher. In order to somehow feed his family, W alter, after his main job, goes to a second job: there he is forced to wash cars for little money and endure humiliation from his boss. The money is barely enough to live on.

mr heisenberg
mr heisenberg

And now fate brings a new surprise to the hero: an examination at the clinic shows lung cancer. The White family has no money for expensive medicines. Doctors regret to report that the cancer is inoperable, and the hero has no more than two months to live…

However, one day, W alter's brother-in-law, who works in the police, takes him with him on a particularly important mission to capture the groupmanufacturers and distributors of methamphetamine. It was then that the main character came up with a desperate thought … "There's nothing to lose anyway," the future Mr. Heisenberg argues.

It is from this moment that the crime drama "Breaking Bad" begins. The series is so complex, with a lot of intricacies, that people asking the question: “Mr. Heisenberg - who is this?”, Hoping to get an intelligible answer about the positive or negative character of the hero, will be completely disappointed: everyone will have their own opinion. After all, the series is perceived by everyone in their own way.

who is mr heisenberg
who is mr heisenberg

The story of the reincarnation of exemplary family man W alter White

W alter White, realizing that his days are numbered, laments the thought that after his death he will not leave his wife and two children a penny. In order to save at least some fortune for his family, W alter begins to cook the drug - methamphetamine. But cooking is one thing, but how to sell a product? As a partner, W alter White takes a young drug addict and criminal, and part-time former student - Jesse Pinkman (Aaron Paul). The partners buy an old rusty van, purchase the necessary raw materials and equipment, and travel far out of town to start brewing a potion for their business. The brilliant talents of the chemist appear instantly: the experienced Jesse, seeing the crystals, is delighted: he has never seen such pure "meth" in his life.

breaking bad mr heisenberg
breaking bad mr heisenberg

So W alter White starts a new life. More precisely, he leads a second, parallel life. On the one hand, he- a faithful husband, a loving father, an exemplary family man and a modest teacher at school, and on the other hand, the real Mr. Heisenberg, who creates the purest methamphetamine and sells it to criminal world personalities. In general, a drug dealer and a murderer. Neither the wife, nor relatives, nor friends - no one knows about the second life of the hero. W alter is constantly forced to lie to everyone around, dodge and play up in front of his wife, more and more mired in lies.

Now he is Mr. Heisenberg, the most notorious drug maker in the entire American South

At first, the hero is tormented by conscience. W alter constantly justifies himself, his deeds by the fact that he does all this solely for the sake of his family. However, time passes, and the hero, having earned the required amount, understands that he can no longer stop. He is greedy and ambitious: he has to earn this money, a lot of money, and no one has the right to cook "meth" according to his unique recipe. The hero suddenly feels a surge of strength, the power of his intellect. Others notice that W alter feels better. However, W alter White as a person begins to die in this body: Mr. Heisenberg comes to replace W alter (photo below) and finally strengthens in the mind of a chemistry teacher.

mr heisenberg photo
mr heisenberg photo

Now he is the most famous drug creator in the entire South of America. He is ready to select, threaten, kill. Do the scariest things. And now he does it not for the sake of the family - for the sake of his whim. The money received by Mr. Heisenberg helped W alter White get treatment and survive. However, at what cost…
