The series "Medium": actors and roles

The series "Medium": actors and roles
The series "Medium": actors and roles

The actors of the series "Medium" for 7 seasons of filming have become almost like family to each other. The film is distinguished by plot intrigue, the presence of a mystical component and ease of perception. Despite the detective focus, the series is suitable for family viewing.

medium series actors
medium series actors

How the series was created

The idea to create a script about a woman with paranormal abilities came to Glen Gordon Caron after reading one interesting article. It talked about Alisson Dubois, who could "talk" to ghosts.

After fruitful communication with a woman, Glen began to write the script for a new mystical project. He was assisted in this by Robert Doherty and Craig Sweeney.

Caron is best known for his scripts for series such as Moonlight Detective Agency with a young Bruce Willis, Now or Never and Breaking Bad.

So, in January 2005, the first episode of the series "Medium" was released on NBC. Actors for the roles were invited not according to the principle of fame, but for eachimage individually.

Due to high ratings, the series lasted 7 seasons and was canceled in 2011.


The main idea of the creators of the project was to create an interesting series for viewing by a wide range of film lovers. That is why the episodes do not contain bloody scenes, zombies and other horrors typical of many mystical TV films.

The name of the main character completely coincides with the prototype in life - Alison Dubois. She is married to a wonderful man - Joe. The couple are raising wonderful daughters - Ariel and Bridget. In the middle of the project, then the third girl is "born" - Marie.

The head of the family works in the design office and is engaged in the creation of new aircraft models. But his wife is engaged in a very specific activity. She is a "mystery" consultant at the Phoenix City Attorney's Office.

series medium actors and roles
series medium actors and roles

It's all about the fact that Alisson sees ghosts and helps detectives in unraveling complex murder cases. The dead come to her during her sleep and try to tell various details of their death.

And everything would be fine if all this happened only during working hours. Visions directly affect the life of the whole family, and the woman is acutely worried about every suffering soul.

It soon turns out that the eldest daughter also sees ghosts. As it turned out, this gift is transmitted through the female line of Alisson. She got it from her grandmother. Spouses try to direct the gift of the child for the benefit of herself and others. There is a possibility that the two youngergirls will be mediums.

In the series, each episode is a single story with its own characters. The regulars are the Dubois family, their close relatives, the district attorney and detectives.

Main actress

Basically, the actors of the series "Medium" are not very well known to the general public. But the actress who played Alisson is familiar to many.

Patricia Arquette became famous not only for her marriage to the popular Nicolas Cage in 1995. She was born into a family that was directly related to the film industry.

Her father and grandfather acted in films. Both brothers are also actors and screenwriters, as is their sister, Roseanne.

Another sister - Alexis, was also engaged in creativity. But she died in 2016.

It was the example of Roseanne, who left for Hollywood at an early age, that inspired Patricia. Her first work was an episodic role in the third part of "A Nightmare on Elm Street".

The most famous films with the participation of the actress are "Lost Highway", "Far from Rangoon", "Stigmata".

In 2014, Arquette was nominated for an Oscar for her role in the drama "Boyhood" and received many awards.

Alison Dubois won Patricia an Emmy in 2006.

marital status of all the actors of the series Medium
marital status of all the actors of the series Medium

As for the marital status of all the actors of the series "Medium", here Arquette has surpassed everyone. With the first spouse - Cage - they lived for 6 years. And in 2006, Patricia again tied the knot. This time herThomas Jane became the chosen one. He is known in his homeland as a director and actor of theater and cinema.

The couple have a daughter Harlow Olivia. But Arquette also has an older son, Enzo, whose father is Paolo Rossi. They worked together in Far from Rangoon.

Since 2011, Patricia Arquette has been single, raising children and filming.

Actors and roles

The series "Medium" has gathered a friendly cast. Alisson's husband, Joe, was wonderfully performed by English actor Jake Weber. He starred in Meet Joe Black and Dawn of the Dead. Also participated in episodes of many American television series.

Jake Joe's hero is a calm and reasonable person. He perceives the gift of his wife normally and tries in every possible way to help his wife in explaining her visions. He is not afraid of the fact that he often has to cook breakfasts and sit with his daughters in the evenings, when Alisson is busy investigating another case. He always finds a way out of the situation and tries to calm his beloved.

Prosecutor Devalos is played by Miguel Sandoval. His hero is a person devoted to the system, decent and honest. He is one of the few officials who believed Alisson and gave her the opportunity to work and help justice.

Chief Detective Lee Scanlon, played by Canadian David Cubbit, is Allison's partner. At first, he is ironic about the woman's gift, but then becomes her good friend.

medium actors and roles
medium actors and roles

Child actors

Actors and roles of the series "Medium", presentedchildren are of particular interest to viewers.

Sofya Vasilyeva (Ariel) is a rising Hollywood star. Her parents are from Novosibirsk and moved to the USA in the 90s. For her work in the series, the girl received the Young Artist award. Viewers could see her wonderful performance in the drama "My Guardian Angel" with Cameron Diaz and Alec Baldwin.

The actors of the series "Medium" Maria Lark and the Carabello twins also have their own nuances of working in the project. Maria, like Sophia, has Russian roots. She was adopted by an American woman and became a citizen of this country.

And sisters Madison and Miranda alternately starred as Marie. This was due to the fact that, by law, children are not allowed to film for more than 4 hours.

medium television series actors
medium television series actors

Interesting details

It is interesting that the actors of the television series "Medium" in different episodes were close relatives of Patricia Arquette.

Her brother Richmond appeared in one of the episodes of season 2. He played a serial killer. Rosanna Arquette also appeared in season 4. The writer Michelle became her heroine.

And another of their brothers - David - directed several episodes of the TV project in seasons 3 and 6.
