"Suspicious Faces": actors and their roles

"Suspicious Faces": actors and their roles
"Suspicious Faces": actors and their roles

A film that stimulates the desire to watch it again is always a good collaboration between director and screenwriter. This fully applies to the painting "Suspicious Faces". The actors of this project, especially in the lead roles, created a unique action, the vicissitudes of which are very difficult to understand the first time. The tape leaves after viewing the desire to go through the plot again in order to understand what really happened and how this is possible.

So, there are six of them, they are all completely different, with their own temperaments. Let's try to consider them separately in order to understand how the unique masterpiece turned out, which has collected so much positive criticism.

Kevin Spacey

Paradox, but you should start with the character of the second plan. Not all actors of the film "The Usual Suspects" are as favored by awards as this minion of fate. Kevin Spacey plays the role of Chatterbox, at first glance, thisa completely minor character, only getting in the way of the main characters in the picture. But, as the viewer who has carefully watched the film to the end will understand, this is a wonderful provocation performed by the scriptwriter.

suspicious faces actors
suspicious faces actors

But all this is not the main thing when it comes to the game. The actor really went out of his way. The film until the very last moment seems like a mediocre detective story, when, finally, it explodes with intrigue, skillfully created by this magnificent character, performed by an equally worthy master of the game. We should not forget the "Oscar", taken by Kevin Spacey for the supporting role, which was awarded by film academics Chatterbox. Well, throughout the tape he was convincing, you can’t take that away. So, the main but secondary character, the lucky winner of the Oscar Kevin Spacey, is the first one who got into our focus.

Gabriel Byrne

The next character in the movie "The Usual Suspects". Actors often choose their role, much less often the opposite happens. In this case, apparently, the second option occurred. Eternally playing pensive characters, the Irish actor is called to play in a detective film, albeit within the framework of the independent cinema he loves so much. A former policeman turned swindler is, of course, a rather deep role, but obviously insufficient for this intellectual with a tendency to thoroughly study his character, his inner world, experiences, etc.

suspicious faces movie actors
suspicious faces movie actors

Be that as it may, they found each other in this most interesting project. By the way, myselfthe actor, like many of his colleagues on the set, did not believe that the result would become so popular with the mass audience. But fate was destined to choose this movie, to be treated with positive criticism and a fourfold return on the budget.

Chezz Palminteri

Another story-shaping character is a police agent trying to unravel the tangle, famously twisted by the light hand of the talented screenwriter of the film "The Usual Suspects". Actors like Palminteri are rarely remembered against the backdrop of an endless set of identical types that Hollywood palms off to the layman. However, this is not the case with independent cinema. Here, an ordinary American of Italian origin, as if torn from the glorious massacre about the godfather, takes on the investigation of the case, skillfully leading not only himself, but also the gullible viewer by the nose. Bravo! Actor, screenwriter, director - all did their best.

suspicious faces actors and roles
suspicious faces actors and roles


Start with Stephen Baldwin. The youngest representative of probably the most cinematic family of all time. Indeed, four actor brothers, each of whom is quite famous for numerous roles, is already a separate topic for discussion. But still in focus is the film "The Suspicious Faces". Actors and roles, as already mentioned, often live in their own universe, choosing each other, to the joy or sorrow of the patient viewer. Baldwin's character - Michael McManus - is a typical extra, despite the appearance of activity, criminal habits and a short temper.

movie suspicious faces actors and roles
movie suspicious faces actors and roles

Continue the list. Kevin Pollak. Another movie extra. A victim, but a very real one, unlike the character played by Kevin Spacey.

And finally, Benicio del Toro. The final list of roles that form the storyline. The actor himself is quite popular precisely because of his numerous roles in gangster movies, but he was not as lucky with the character as the same Kevin Spacey. Be that as it may, del Toro maintains his line very well.

suspicious faces actors and photos
suspicious faces actors and photos

A little about the plot

There are five people who were detained seemingly independently of each other. The usual criminal element, as the title of the film "The Suspicious Persons" unambiguously declares. The actors mentioned above are on the line of identification, and this is a frank minus. After all, they put a criminal mixed with ordinary passers-by who inadvertently wandered past the police station. And then there are the scammers. However, there is no evidence, and everyone is dispersed like banal punks.

Hot heads against this treatment, why not take revenge on the stinky cops? They create their own destiny! However, there is a more brilliant creator, hiding under the name of Kaiser Soze. Stupid policemen are trying to find him, desperate thugs are afraid of him, and he is not at all who he claims to be. Or maybe enough spoilers, and it's high time to watch this unusual creation of intellectual cinema?


Independent cinema is famous for making films like this. unhurried andat the same time, the broken course of the storyline. These are Suspicious Persons. The cast and photos featured here have passed the twenty-year mark since the film's release, but it's still a bestseller and a must-see.
