Dmitry Borisenkov - biography and creativity

Dmitry Borisenkov - biography and creativity
Dmitry Borisenkov - biography and creativity

Today we will talk about who Dmitry Borisenkov is. His personal life and features of the creative path will be discussed further. We are talking about a Russian and Soviet rock musician, singer, composer and guitarist. He is the leader of a rock band called Black Obelisk.


Dmitry Borisenkov
Dmitry Borisenkov

Borisenkov Dmitry Alexandrovich was born in 1968, March 8, in Moscow. Played in groups: "Mafia", "Troll", "Smuggling". So Dmitry Borisenkov began his creative activity. "Black Obelisk" is a team that our hero entered in 1992 as a lead guitarist. Already by 1995, the team broke up. In 1996, our hero joins a group called Trizna. At first he was assigned the role of a guitarist, later he also became a vocalist. In 1999, the musician, as part of the Trizna project, created the Eclipse album. The work was never published. In the same year, the vocalist announces that he is leaving the group. In 1997, on February 27, Anatoly Germanovich Krupnov, the founder and leader of the Black Obelisk, dies of a sudden heart attack. Throughtwo years Mikhail Svetlov, Vladimir Ermakov and our today's hero decide to recreate the group. Note that the musician is also a sound engineer at a studio called Black Obelisk.

Theater of War

Borisenkov Dmitry Alexandrovich
Borisenkov Dmitry Alexandrovich

Dmitry Borisenkov in 2004 participates in the "Elven Manuscript" - the metal opera of the "Epidemic" group. There he plays the role of Deimos. In 2005, our hero takes part in the creation of the "Theater of War" - a common project of Kirill Nemolyaev and the Trizna group. In 2006 the musician is working on the second part of this album. In 2007, he was invited to participate in the continuation of the Elvish Manuscript. He plays the same role. In 2007, Dmitry Borisenkov records, masters and mixes the album of the group "Grand Courage" - "Light of New Hope" at his own studio. In addition, in the song "Seekers of Peace" our hero performed as a vocalist. He sang a fragment with Sergey Sergeev and Mikhail Zhitnyakov, and also played a solo.

Dmitry Borisenkov in 2009 was invited to participate in the project "Dynasty of Initiates" by Margarita Pushkina. Later, the band's single "Black Obelisk" was released. In 2011, our hero took part in the recording of vocal parts for Konstantin Seleznev's album "Territory X". The musician performed two songs "Every man for himself" and "Holy". In 2012, on January 21, the new eighth album of the Black Obelisk project, en titled Dead Season, was released. In 2012, on February 20, the CD-Maximum label released the first tribute. It was dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the group. In 2012, our hero performed as a vocalist on the album "Confrontation" by SergeiMavrina. He performed a fragment from the song "Epilogue".


Dmitry Borisenkov personal life
Dmitry Borisenkov personal life

In 2013, the album "My World" by the group "Black Obelisk" was presented. It included the best songs of the band created over the past 14 years. All material was completely re-recorded and received new arrangements. Representatives of completely different musical directions took part in the work. On April 6, 2013, the work of the Margenta project was released. On it, our hero sang the songs "Pied Piper" and "Renaissance". And on October 1 of the same year, Black Obelisk released its maxi-single Up. The album includes five new songs. There is also a re-recorded composition from the Ashes record and an acoustic version of one of the new compositions. The musicians themselves note that the new disc is a continuation of forward movement, however, it does not contain a search for new ideas, but the development of those that were found while working on the My World collection. The authors emphasize that in this case we are talking about real, honest rock music dedicated to people. On May 20, 2014, the single "March of the Revolution" of the Black Obelisk project was released.

Personal life of Dmitry Borisenkov

The idol practically does not talk about topics not related to music. Fans often ask Dmitry about his family, but in response he claims that it is very difficult to combine a brilliant career with his personal life. When moving to a professional level, you have to make a choice: music or your girlfriend. Fans believe that the family happiness of the idol could not be preserved. He often says that forMusic needs to learn to sacrifice. If much is dear to you in life, except for creativity, then it is best to leave your passion as a hobby. Otherwise, you will have to make a choice. Dmitry shared in an interview the reasons for the impossibility of personal life: “Most women will not tolerate the constant absence of a home and a small unstable income. Usually family life ends after 5-10 years.”


dmitry borisenkov black obelisk
dmitry borisenkov black obelisk

Dmitry Borisenkov with the group "Denikin Spirit" created the disc "Take TCHK alive". Acted as a sound engineer.

  • Together with the group "Black Obelisk" worked on the following studio albums: "I stay", "Revolution". The team recorded the following maxi-singles: “Songs for Radio”, “Angels”, “Someday”, “Up”. The live album "Friday the 13th" was released. A number of singles were created: "Black / White", "March of the Revolution", "Soul", "Ira". Among the collections, the following works should be noted: "The Wall", "86-88". The group's video albums were released, in particular, "CDK MAI" and "20 years and one more day …".
  • With the Epidemic group, our hero worked on the Elven Manuscript project (as a vocalist, he performed in the songs Magic, Blood, Sunshine, Legend, Threads of Fate).
  • Together with the project "Fear Factor" he recorded two parts of the album "Theater of War". He performed in this work as a sound engineer and guitarist, his game sounds in the composition "Soldier".
  • The album "The Sea of Disappearing Times" was created with the Arda group.
  • Together with the project "Grand Courage" our hero recordedalbum "New Hope Light". With the project "Viscount" he released the collections "On the approaches to heaven", "Do not submit to fate" and "Aryan Russia".
  • As part of the Margenta project, he worked on the album "Children of Savonarola". Participated in the recording of Konstantin Seleznev's records "Territory … X", "Confrontation", "Altair".
