Tommy Flanagan: biography and films

Tommy Flanagan: biography and films
Tommy Flanagan: biography and films

Actor Tommy Flanagan is originally from Scotland. He was born in Glasgow on July 3, 1965. He became famous after the role of Philip Telford - the hero of the television series Sons of Anarchy. He also played small roles in famous Hollywood films.


tommy flanagan
tommy flanagan

Tommy Flanagan was born in Scotland in a large family. At the age of six, Tommy's father left the family.

Being young, Tommy Flanagan tried himself as an artist and DJ. It was during his work as a disc jockey that Tommy got scars on his face. One evening he went to a bar, intending to work out the required program. On the way he was attacked by bandits. They wanted him to give them the records and the money. As a result, the robbers cut the face of the future actor, leaving him with scars on his cheeks, which are called the Glasgow smile.

Today Tommy is a happy father. In 2012, his wife, Dina Livingston, gave birth to a daughter.

Glasgow smile

The Glasgow smile is also known as the Chelsea smile. These are wounds that are inflicted on the face with a sharp object (knife, broken glass) from the very corners of the mouth and almost to the ears. After these wounds on the cheeks heal, scars remain, whichvisually similar to a wide smile. Initially, the way in which such wounds are made was invented by criminals in Glasgow, after which Chelsea football fans adopted this method. Usually, the wounds are not deep, they may not cut the cheeks completely, but the scars are very serious and remain for life.

Career start

After this incident, he fell into a severe depression and was very afraid that his life would no longer be the same. For some time he could not work, and then close friends suggested that he try to become an actor. First, Tommy got a job at the Raindog Theater, where he spent several years, and later began to try himself in films. In 1995, the crew of the film "Braveheart" invited him to take part and play one of the cameo roles.

Tommy was afraid that the scars would not give him the opportunity to be realized, but his fears were in vain. The scars, on the other hand, made him more recognizable.

Sons of Anarchy

tommy flanagan sons of anarchy
tommy flanagan sons of anarchy

Tommy Flanagan's most famous project, Sons of Anarchy is a crime drama television series filmed in the USA. It was shown on the FX channel from 2008 to 2014. "Children of Anarchy" is one of the most popular films shown on this channel, which includes seven seasons. The plot tells about the famous club of bikers living in the city of Charming, California. The series got its name from the name of this club. Local bikers act as guards for their city, stop the spread of drugs and try toprevent criminal incidents. However, they themselves earn by selling weapons and being participants in pornographic projects. The atmosphere in the club is also quite tense. The club's founder's son wants to be president. Further, the plot becomes more and more steep, the audience is watching on the screen shootouts, blood, corpses, betrayal and other crime.

Due to the energetic plot and extreme situations played out on the screen, the series was a success and attracted the attention of viewers. In addition, a number of famous actors participated in this project.

Role Tommy

Tommy Flanagan played in this series Philip Telford, nicknamed "Pyr", which translates from Scottish as "blade". Philip was born in Glasgow, but grew up in Belfast, was an orderly in the British army, but after the tribunal he was fired. The experience gained in the army helps the hero in everyday life. Philip helps the members of the biker club, and in the fourth season he becomes the head of security.

By the way, his scars on his cheeks were played up in this series. One of the heroes of the film tries several times to kill Philip, but only cripples him. Now Philip also wears a Glasgow smile on his face.

Other projects

tommy flanagan in korn video
tommy flanagan in korn video

Tommy Flanagan's performance in the films "Gladiator", "Braveheart", "The Game" and "Sin City" did not leave his fans indifferent. In addition, he was invited to participate in the filming of the Rotting in Vain video by Korn.
