Actress Olga Zabotkina: biography, filmography and personal life

Actress Olga Zabotkina: biography, filmography and personal life
Actress Olga Zabotkina: biography, filmography and personal life

The beautiful ballerina and talented actress Olga Zabotkina was remembered for her role as Katya Tatarinova in the film "Two Captains". Her game was appreciated. After all, the actress seemed to have lived the fate of her heroine Katya. This role was followed by other proposals from film directors. Olga Zabotkina is an actress, biography, roles, whose films are still of great interest today.

Olga Bobotkina
Olga Bobotkina

Childhood and youth

On January 18, 1936, Olga Leonidovna Zabotkina was born in Leningrad. The family in which the girl was born is quite famous and respected.

Oli's great-grandfather, Zabotkin Dmitry Stepanovich (1834-1894), - lieutenant general, famous military engineer. Dad, Leonid Dmitrievich (1902-1942), was preparing to become a military man. He studied at the Nikolaev Cadet Corps, then at the prestigious Page Corps, however, he did not manage to graduate from it because of the outbreak of the revolution. Worked as an engineer. He, unfortunately, could not survive the difficult times of the blockade of Leningrad during the Great Patriotic War.

Olga's mother, Oleneva MargaritaMikhailovna (1905-1995), daughter of a real state councilor. Fortunately, she and her daughter managed to survive the siege of Leningrad. The biography of actress Olga Zabotkina is simply amazing with the trials that befell the girl in childhood. But even they couldn't break her.

From her youth, Olga attracted admiring glances to her person. Slightly curly natural hair Zabotkin never dyed. After all, she loved natural beauty. Nature endowed the actress with chic dark hair. Olga was distinguished by regular facial features: a low forehead, an oval chin, a straight nose, unusual green eyes, a fantastically expressive and charming look. Perfect figure, graceful posture. Height above average - one hundred and seventy centimeters.

olga bobotkina actress biography roles films
olga bobotkina actress biography roles films

Creative Stages

Olga entered the Agrippina Vaganova Ballet Choreographic School in Leningrad. She was lucky to become a student of such wonderful teachers as Natalya Kamkova and Valentina Ivanova. They immediately recognized the talent in the girl.

After graduating from college, the young dancer received an invitation to the troupe of the Leningrad Theater. Kirov (now it is the Mariinsky Theatre). This is how Olga Zabotkina, a ballerina-actress, sparkled on the stage.

She worked there until 1977. Brilliant ballerina. Zabotkina's dance had its own distinctive features - clarity of movement, grace and plasticity.

Private life

In 1965, Olga ties the knot with musician Sergei Krasavin. Buttheir union was short-lived. After 5 years of marriage, their marriage broke up. Olga Zabotkina adequately withstood this gap. Personal life did not develop. And it took a long time for the beautiful actress to agree to another marriage.

The second time Olga decided to legalize their relationship only 10 years later, in 1980. Her chosen one was the then-popular parody poet Alexander Ivanov. They got married with lightning speed. Well, if a month has passed since they met. This union shocked many. One of the brightest artists of the cultural capital and a rather nondescript chosen one. Almost all men were in love with her, but she gave preference to him.

Olga Bobotkina biography of film work
Olga Bobotkina biography of film work

When her husband became a TV presenter, actress Olga Zabotkina completely refuses the stage, her personal life and helping her husband become the most important things for her. She is forced to move with Alexander to the capital. Olga becomes her husband's secretary in the literal sense of the word, his right hand, is fully responsible for the stage image, selects costumes herself, makes adjustments to the texts.

Ivanov's comrade Arkady Arkanov spoke of Olga as a wise, bright, demanding woman. She was proud of her husband and understood the great significance of his success. She could not be called wasteful, rather, on the contrary, she was stingy. The imprint was left by the experienced blockade. In their house, everything was done modestly and tastefully, but without pathos and luxury. Alexander Ivanov never dressed in expensive stores, he sewed clothes from tailors, strictly according toqueues, with discounts. Their family can rightfully be called happy, love and understanding reigned in it.

Here she is, Olga Zabotkina. The biography of this woman surprises and fascinates with her rapid acting takeoff. She delights and amazes with her faith in her husband, for whom she easily gave up a brilliant career.

Movie roles

Unfortunately, such a star as Olga Zabotkina, filmography, is not particularly impressive. Soviet actresses, who were loved and remembered by the population, always amazed with an amazing game. Olga was just like that.

She didn't get to play so many roles, but how bright they were, how clearly she managed to fulfill them, giving herself without a trace.

Most Outstanding Performances:

  • "Two Captains" - Katya Tatarinova (1955).
  • "Unfinished story" - student Nadia (1955).
  • "Concert of artists of the Leningrad stage and theaters" (1956).
  • "Don Cesar de Bazan" - dancer Maritana (1957).
  • "Cheryomushki" - Lida Baburova, a guide at the building museum (1962).
  • Sleeping Beauty - Queen (1964).

Tape "Two Captains"

It was the debut of a young talent. This film role was very significant for the actress. In the film, she was lucky to play the role of Katya Tatarinova. Olga Zabotkina played her beautifully, literally got used to her character.

olga bobotkina filmography soviet actresses
olga bobotkina filmography soviet actresses

The plot is based on the novel of the same name by Kaverin. Incredible life story of that era. One of the main characters, SanyaGrigoriev, finds a letter written by some travel lover. After reading the bewitching lines, his mind was filled with dreams of distant wanderings and unusual adventures. After a while, the boy is forced to flee from his home.

He is left alone with the Moscow streets. By a lucky chance, life brings him together with a man who significantly influenced his fate. This is teacher Ivan Korablev, who helps Sana get a job at school.

The boy starts his studies and meets Katya Tatarinova. It is her father, Ivan Tatarinov, who is the very traveler whose letter Sanya was so carried away by. Papa Katya's sea expedition mysteriously disappears. Resigned to the death of Ivan, the girl's mother marries his brother Nikolai Tatarinov, by the way, he runs the school where Sanya was placed. But it turns out that it was he who was involved in the death of the expedition.

The plot of the film is very twisted. However, he is not the only one who admires. An excellent game of actors simply cannot leave you indifferent. A beautiful, romantic, proper film that can teach a lot.

Film "An Unfinished Tale"

Inimitable and gorgeous was Olga Zabotkina in this picture. She played, albeit not the main, the role of a student in this film.

The interesting content of the film will not leave anyone indifferent. In the life of the protagonist of the film Ershov (he was a brilliant shipbuilder) misfortune occurs. His legs are taken away. He suddenly becomes disabled.

But Ershov does not give up, continues to live a fulllife, work. Elizaveta Maksimovna is the district doctor who watches him. There is a magical feeling between them. Thanks to this love, Ershov starts walking again.

Don Cesar de Bazan

Olga Zabotkina played the role of Maritana, a brilliant dancer.

olga bobotkina ballerina actress
olga bobotkina ballerina actress

Impoverished nobleman Don Cesar is sentenced to death, but he still needs to get married. Maritana, on the other hand, is a charming dancer who tries to earn a living with her talent. She dances in the streets of Madrid and dreams of a wonderful life. The Spanish monarch secretly wants to make her his concubine. The first minister, Don José, is in love with the king's wife. Pursuing insidious goals, he weaves intrigue like a spider in order to take advantage of this situation and denigrate the king in the eyes of his wife. He strives in every way to publicize his affair with the dancer. But such plans are ruined by the strong and true love that flared up between Maritana and Cesar.

This is a very exciting and interesting film in which Olga delights the viewer with her amazing talent.

The film "Cheryomushki"

Musical comedy on the always topical topic of the "housing problem". The film became very popular. He was loved by all the women of that time.

Lida Baburova, a building museum guide, receives a warrant for an apartment in Moscow's Cheryomushki district. The old apartment where they lived with dad became uninhabitable: part of the ceiling had collapsed, it was possible to see the upper neighbors through a hole in the ceiling. Liveit was no longer possible there.

Lida and her dad went to see their new living space, but it turned out that it doesn't really exist. The greedy house manager did everything possible to make the Baburovs' apartment the property of the big boss Drebednev.

Boris obsessively wants to meet the young beauty and offers his help in resolving this issue. He comes up with a plan. But Lida does not want to accept such help, she has her own solution to the problem.

actress olga bobotkina personal life
actress olga bobotkina personal life

Together with the residents who took their side, the Baburovs go to the construction manager and tell the essence of the problem. As a result, the apartment is returned to its rightful owners.

The film is very funny and instructive. Interesting story. And, as always, Olga is gorgeous in it.

Sleeping Beauty Ribbon

The final picture, in which the outstanding artist Olga Leonidovna Zabotkina played the queen - "Sleeping Beauty". In 1964, two talented directors - Konstantin Sergeev and Apollinary Dudko - staged this film. The picture can rightfully be called a masterpiece of ballet art.

This is a film for true connoisseurs of beauty. The magical fairy-tale world, in which the authors immerse us, soothes the soul and caresses the eyes. The interweaving of classical music, graceful dances, the wonderful play of magnificent actors leave an inexpressible impression in the soul after watching.

Recent years

The actress lived her life in illness and loneliness. She was diagnosed with cancer. She rarely left the walls of her home, notinvited guests. But that doesn't mean that everyone has abandoned it. As she said, it was seclusion of her own free will. Olga simply did not want to be seen in such a state by close people, friends. Always successful, attractive, she did not want to cause pity and regret.

5 years after the death of her husband, Olga Zabotkina passed away. At the age of 65, she died in Moscow. During her lifetime, the actress insisted that her ashes be buried in her native land - in St. Petersburg. The last wish was fulfilled. Olga was buried at the Orthodox Smolensk cemetery.

biography of actress Olga Bobotkina
biography of actress Olga Bobotkina


This woman was amazingly attractive - a talented ballerina, actress. This is how Olga Zabotkina appears before us. Biography, her work in the cinema - all this is admirable. She will forever remain an amazingly talented actress in the memory of her fans. And, despite the small number of films in which Olga starred, she is still loved by the audience.

Zabotkina - Honored Artist of the RSFSR. She was awarded this title in 1960.
