Natalia Fateeva. Biography of the actress

Natalia Fateeva. Biography of the actress
Natalia Fateeva. Biography of the actress
Natalia Fateeva biography
Natalia Fateeva biography

Natalya Fateeva, whose biography begins, as well as life itself - in Kharkov, was born on the eve of a wonderful holiday - the New Year. Her birthday is December 23, 1934. The girl dreamed of becoming an actress from a young age, and she became one step closer to her dream after graduating from school, enrolling in the Kharkov Theater Institute. She had excellent inclinations for creative professions - she was incredibly artistic and musical. And all this, despite the fact that no one in her family was directly connected with art. Natasha's talent was confirmed already in the first year - she was already awarded a nominal scholarship.

Natalia had a spectacular appearance and excellent diction. In addition, Natalya Fateeva was not deprived of charm either. The biography of these years describes a joyful event in the life of a girl - she is invited to Kharkov television as an announcer. In addition, she became at the same time one of the first ladies who worked in this area. But, unfortunately, the world has always been full of envious people. Natalia is suddenly expelled from the theater institute. But she did not give up, but decided to enter VGIK. Despite everythingthe difficulties that Natalya Fateeva took upon herself (the biography of any person is full of ups and downs), soon her affairs began to rapidly improve again. 1956 was a significant year for the girl - she made her debut in the role of Tanya Olenina, whom she played in the film "There is such a guy." In addition, Natalya was immediately taken to the fourth year of the All-Union State Institute of Cinematography - for the first time in its history. Sergey Gerasimov helped a lot by inviting the actress to his studio.

biography of natalia fateyeva
biography of natalia fateyeva

Soon Natalya Fateeva (her biography is surprisingly cloudless further) got married. The then-novice director Vladimir Basov became a spouse. The couple had a son - Vladimir.

Next, the biography of Natalia Fateeva describes a rather fruitful part of her life. She actively worked in the Theater. Yermolova, and in the performances "Two Stubborn" and "Three Comrades" she played the main roles. However, all the joy was overshadowed by the unbridled jealousy of her husband, which inevitably led their marriage to its logical conclusion.

Further, actress Natalya Fateeva (her biography continues to shine with her wonderful positiveness) became even more famous by playing in the movie "Three Plus Two". The film was wildly popular. The break with her husband was fully compensated by the success and career growth, as well as the care of Andrei Mironov, with whom the actress became friends during the filming.

actress natalia fateyeva biography
actress natalia fateyeva biography

However, soon Natalia got married again. Boris Yegorov turned her head -cosmonaut, Hero of the Soviet Union. However, the hero was not at all able to bear responsibility for real life. For the sake of Natalya, he left his first family, but he also left Fateeva for the sake of his new "true love" - Natalya's partner in the film "Three Plus Two" Natalya Kustinskaya. The "well-wishers" pushed the couple to break, spreading gossip (or voicing the truth?) About Fateeva's romance with the Romanian singer Dan Spataru, with whom the actress starred in the film "Songs of the Sea".

The break did not affect Natalia's life. She was still in demand and has since appeared in numerous films, including "Gentlemen of Fortune" and "The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed".

Natalya Nikolaevna Fateeva is a People's Artist of the RSFSR (1984) and a holder of the Order of Honor (2000).
