Dmitry Komov: biography and films

Dmitry Komov: biography and films
Dmitry Komov: biography and films

Today we will talk about who Dmitry Komov is. The filmography of the actor, as well as his creative path will be discussed below. He has already played more than fifty roles in films.


Dmitry Komov
Dmitry Komov

Dmitry Komov is an actor who was born in 1963, on August 11 in Saratov. His father, a teacher at a military school, was a representative of the officers, who are now remembered with pride and slight sadness. He was a good person. At the same time, the cadets sincerely respected him and considered him a “father”. Mother is a teacher. She taught French. In addition, she worked part-time in the library. Dmitry Komov in childhood, thanks to his father, had the opportunity to play enough dangerous and adult toys. Mom always found good books for the house.


Dmitry Komov actor
Dmitry Komov actor

A young man already at the age of fourteen read Chekhov, Twain, Poe, Griboedov, Gogol, Swift, Defoe, Goldoni, Molière, Cervantes, Shakespeare, Rabelais. The elder brother of the future actor decided to follow in his father's footsteps. He became an officer. Dmitry Komov was indifferent to films as a child. I went to the cinema with my friends spontaneously and very rarely. Not everyone at school loved him. In the team hefit in badly. Had a lot of problems from local hooligans. The house in Saratov, where the family of the future actor lived, was located between the police school and the cemetery. Accordingly, often walks with close friends had an eerie connotation. In adolescence, Dmitry became a little more sociable. He became interested in sports, began to practice judo, rowing and football. Interested in auto-training and psychology. Loved to shoot. His main dream was to travel in a big old car on dusty roads without an exact route.

Creativity and personal life

Dmitry Komov photo
Dmitry Komov photo

Dmitry Komov received a diploma as an actor in cinema and drama theater in 1988. The first film role awaited him in 1989 in the feature film "Hell". For this work in 2008, the actor received the "Gold Medal" from the Charitable Foundation called "Patrons of the Century". Further, the actor starred in episodic roles. In 1992, Dmitry had a daughter. There was no work in the theater then. In 1996 Dmitry went to Moscow. Since 1997, he has been working as a general director in a company that produces television programs. In 2004, he held the position of marketing director in an Italian company with a representative office in Moscow. The actor begins to act again in 2005. He plays in films and works as a presenter on television. From 2005 to 2006 he worked on the Tales of Old Moscow program. Since 2008, he has been the host of the Secret Signs program.


Dmitry Komov filmography
Dmitry Komov filmography

In 1989Dmitry Komov starred in the film "Hell".

In 1990 he appeared in an episode of the film "The Enchanted Wanderer".

In 1992 he played in the films "White Lake" and "Chekist".

In 2002 he starred in the film "Leading Roles".

In 2004 he appeared in the film "Blind".

In 2006, he worked on the films "Don't Be Born Beautiful", "Close Distant", "Airport-2", "Everything Mixed Up in the House", "Doll", "Women's Stories", "Lost in Paradise", "Love", "My Prechistenka", "Damned Paradise", "Detectives". In 2007, he starred in the films: “Mothers and Daughters”, “Kolobkov”, “3K Vasilyev”, “Travelers”, “Thirty Years”, “Volkov's Hour”, “Focus Failed”, “Volkov's Hour”, “Circus Princess”, "Fatal Passion", "Next".

In 2008 he worked on the films "Trust", "Tatiana's Day", "Golden Key", "The Power of Provocation", "Autumn Detective", "Petrovka, 38", "Double Deception", "Crime will be Solved", "Crazy Angel", "Escape", "Spy Games", "Ranetki", "Secret Signs", "Wedding Ring".

In 2009, he starred in the films "If a friend turned up suddenly", "Wild", "Cream", "City Lights", "Informed source in Moscow", "Sleeping area".

In 2010, he starred in the films: "The Courtyard", "Women's Dreams of Distant Countries", "Shadows of the Past", "Law and Order", "Frozen Dispatches", "Zemsky Doctor", "Death on the Shore sea”, “Code of honor-4”, “Rat”, “Manipulator”, “Moscow. Central District-3”, “On the Hook!”, “Nanolove”, “”, “Diamond Thread”, “New Life of the Detective Gurov”, “Mask of the King”, “Web-4”, “Fake Perfume”, "Shadow Chasing", "The Path to Yourself".

In 2011worked on the films "Single", "White Crow", "Sasha Grek's Last Love", "Vazhnyak", "Police Speaks", "Witch Doctor 2", "Lecturer", "Vow of Silence", "Pandora", "Pilot of International Airlines"”, “Without TV”, “Last Minute”, “Closed School”, “Zemsky Doctor”, “God is in the Details”, “Rotten Business”, “One”, “Comrade Policemen”.

In 2012 he played in the films Without a Trace, Lifter, Beagle, Six Witnesses, Petrovich.

Now you know who Dmitry Komov is. Photos of the actor are presented in this article.
