The series "Lentyaevo": actors and roles

The series "Lentyaevo": actors and roles
The series "Lentyaevo": actors and roles

On August 16, 2004, the children's program "Lentyaevo" was shown on the screens for the first time. The show aired until 2014. 4 full seasons were filmed, and the total number of episodes reached the mark of 100 episodes.

The creator of "Lentyaevo" was Magnus Scheving, the champion of Iceland in gymnastics. At the same time, he was both a producer and one of the main actors.

The plot of "Lentyaevo"

The series "Lentyaevo" begins with the arrival in the town of the same name of the girl Stephanie - an energetic teenager who cannot sit still. She comes to town to visit her uncle Milford, who is the mayor.

During the time that Stephanie is visiting her uncle, the girl manages to get acquainted with all the inhabitants of the town. Uncle's peers lead a quiet and calm lifestyle, they do not even think about going in for sports. The situation with children is even worse - they don't want to leave the house at all! Children spend all day at computers, playing video games and not going out.

series lazyevo
series lazyevo

Stephanie is not going to fall into a sleepy rhythm so easilycity, she intends to make all residents remember about outdoor activities, walks and sports competitions. And the superhero Sportacus will help her in this.


The actors of "Lentyaevo" played an important role in popularizing the series. The three actors who played the main characters were also the only people among the dolls. Actors and roles in "Lentyaevo" were selected and prescribed with great care.

One of the main characters of the series is Stephanie. Many girls auditioned for this role, but the actors were selected strictly for the series "Lazyevo" - Julianna Rose Mauriello passed the casting. Stephanie is a new person in town. She arrives in Lentyaevo to visit her uncle. But she does not intend to be bored all summer.

Stephanie loves to move and play outdoors. The girl loves pink - it is in rich pink that all Stephanie's clothes, her luggage and even her hair! But alone, she cannot deal with boredom in Lazytown.

The actors tried to convey all the shades of feelings experienced by their characters. So, Stephanie is an active, quick-witted, but a little naive girl. She is able to enjoy the little things and forgive the villains.

lazy actors and roles
lazy actors and roles

These qualities help her make friends with her peers: Pixel, Ziggy, Stingy and Trixie. And the hero of the city of Sportacus helps Stephanie to teach the citizens of the city to active sports.

Stephanie loves to sing and dance. Together with Sportacus, she learns new moves and delights the inhabitants of Lazy Town with new songs and dances.

Mauriello starred in the firsttwo seasons "Lentyaevo". The actors changed in subsequent episodes. In the third and fourth seasons, the role of Stephanie was played by Chloe Leng.


The role of the superhero Sportacus was played by the author of the show, Magnus Scheving. Sportacus lives on an airship, he was born on an island in the waters of the North Sea. The hero leads and promotes a he althy lifestyle, urging children and residents of the city to eat more vegetables and fruits, give up junk food and spend more time outdoors.

He meets Stephanie when a girl mistakenly sends him a letter asking for help. But Sportacus is a real hero. He does not leave her in trouble and becomes a frequent visitor to Lentyaevo, saving children and adults from laziness.

He has a device on his airship that alerts Sportacus of impending danger, so he always manages to come to the rescue in time.

Robbie the Evil

No series can be successful without an anti-hero. In Lazyevo, the main antagonist was Robbie the Evil, played by Stefan Karl Stefansson.

lazy actors
lazy actors

Robbie follows the events in the city through the periscope. He is lazy and loves to sleep very much, so Robbie is against any activity in the city. With the arrival of Stephanie, Robbie has a lot of problems - children and adults go outside, start having fun and make noise.

When things get too noisy, Robbie takes on the roles of various people who can help him restore silence to the streets of the city, but the kids and Sportacus almost always manage to break theRobbie's evil plans.
