The film "Invasion": actors and main roles

The film "Invasion": actors and main roles
The film "Invasion": actors and main roles

Horror films rarely draw full houses. Commercially successful paintings of this kind are very, very few. This statement also applies to the film "Invasion". In 2007, the tape first appeared at the box office, but failed on the very first weekend. The final fees could not even recoup half of the funds invested in the tape. The stellar cast of the film "Invasion" did not help either.


The world is saddened by the news of the death of an American spacecraft. At the same time, during the fall, strange spores spread across the surface of the Earth. People who fell under their influence completely lost their emotions. Only their outer shell remained. The first "adept" of the new world was Tucker Kaufman.

Main roles and actors

The main female role in the film was played by Nicole Kidman. She embodied the image of a psychologist studying the nature of this strange virus. In the course of her research, an extraterrestrial cause of the disease was revealed. The main clue lies in her son. But this woman does not know yet.

To help Dr. Carol Bennel, played by Nicole Kidman,her longtime friend Ben Driscoll arrives. The man clearly has romantic feelings for the woman. This pushes him to study the nature of the virus. Moreover, the man connects his friends to the problem. The role of Driscoll went to Daniel Craig.

Daniel Craig in "Invasion"
Daniel Craig in "Invasion"

Tucker Kaufman, the main antagonist, was played by Jeremy Northam. Ex-husband Carol Bennel himself became one of the first victims of the virus. He tries his best to preach a perfect new world.

Jackson Bond played Carol's son Oliver. The peculiarity of the boy is that he is not afraid of this disease. As it turned out, the virus cannot infect a person who previously had encephalitis. Based on Oliver's blood, biologists are developing a vaccine that could save humanity from this terrible disease.

Movie reviews

Despite the impressive cast, the movie was a complete failure at the box office. Critics and audiences agreed in their devastating reviews. The stars couldn't pull off the frankly hackneyed and boring plot.

Trouble during filming

Various unusual incidents accompanied this tape during the filming itself. After editing and previewing the film, Oliver Hirschbiegel (the main director of the film) decided to reshoot many scenes and add more entertainment to them.

When filming "Invasion" the actors also got into some unpleasant situations. For example, right on the set, Nicole Kidman had an accident.

Nicole Kidman in "Invasion"
Nicole Kidman in "Invasion"

The actress got offonly fright, but one of the stuntmen broke his arm. After a couple of hours, work on the tape was continued.
