"Time Crystal" - show. Reviews of the children's show musical

"Time Crystal" - show. Reviews of the children's show musical
"Time Crystal" - show. Reviews of the children's show musical

Recently, the play "The Crystal of Time" has become very popular. The show has mixed reviews. Some guests like an interesting and extraordinary plot, other visitors complain about the terrible acting and high prices.

Fantastic item

Musical is one of the most interesting genres of performing arts. Most recently, a wave of screenings of an extraordinary and unique performance "The Crystal of Time" took place throughout the country. This show has both its supporters and haters. Many people claim that reality fell short of expectations.

time crystal show reviews
time crystal show reviews

The plot tells about two children - Alice and Timothy, who learned about the mysterious power of the crystal. It can be used to travel through time. However, the terrible witch Morgana broke the magic item, and now the boy and girl are forced to look for its fragments in different time periods.

All advertising booklets indicated that "The Crystal of Time" was a show. Reviews of the event are diverse. Parents usually complained about the unreasonably high ticket price.

Pros and cons

The production raises the main problems, the struggle between good and evil. Moreover, parents andteachers who have seen the musical say there is a teaching element to the work. The public is served a lot of interesting and useful facts from history and culture in an entertaining way. The performance itself is devoid of any vulgarity. Profanity and complex topics are not used.

There are very few actors. The whole scenario is based on a game of 3 people. Sometimes a small dance group comes on stage. But dissatisfied viewers say that the choreographic movements are very unsuccessful and poorly built. Elementary ballet and uninteresting songs do not allow you to enjoy the production. Few people think that "The Crystal of Time" is a musical. Reviews are often negative.

time crystal reviews
time crystal reviews

Mom and dad comments

Mostly negative comments are written by parents. The thing is, they know absolutely nothing about the show. Schoolchildren inform adults about an unusual musical with lasers, a disco and gifts. As offended mothers and fathers note, professional PR people come to their children's classes. They are trying to interest the child in this production. Their advertising works instantly, and children on the same day are asked to buy expensive tickets.

All adults know is that Time Crystal is a show. Not everyone is looking for reviews from viewers who have already watched the production. Therefore, one has to trust the administration of the performance and hope that it will be of high quality. However, most expected something significant from such loud statements. Some dissatisfied parents even try to ban distribution at schoolinformation about upcoming events, as they tend to independently select concert programs for their children.

Communication building

Both psychologists and ordinary viewers say that it is very important to immediately establish contact with the audience. The youngest audience is especially demanding. However, the performance "Crystal of Time" coped with its main task - to interest and teach. The feedback about the talent of the artists is very good.

From time to time, actors from the stage communicate with small spectators. They ask to repeat simple spells that will help the main characters get out of difficult situations. Children willingly repeat unusual magic texts. Especially active kids respond to the request to make as much noise as possible. After all, according to the plot, the evil witch does not like the rumble. Some theater guests even try to tell Tim how Morgana bewitched his girlfriend.

time crystal musical reviews
time crystal musical reviews

Special effects

Do not forget that the production of "The Crystal of Time" is a musical. Reviews about the songs of artists on stage are varied. Those who liked the performance note that the songs are absolutely normal for a children's audience. They have simple content and text that students can easily understand. The melodies are also very funny.

However, there is an audience who found the compositions too bland. It is well audible that all the words sound under the phonogram. There is no live sound for which the parents paid money. In addition, the voices are unnatural and broken. The child will not want any of the presented songslearn at home.

Because of the bad tunes in the hall, you almost forget that you are watching the show-musical "The Crystal of Time". Reviews about costumes and scenery also differ. Some visitors do not like the outfits of the actors. They claim that the clothes are too simple. As for decorations, there are none at all. There is a screen on the back wall that has replaced the entire interior.

Other theater guests like the fact that there are no unnecessary things on the stage. And the graphic image is quite enough to enjoy the performance.

Education and entertainment

Recently, such a genre as a children's show musical has become increasingly popular. "Time Crystal" reviews from visitors often cause absolutely opposite.

show musical crystal of time reviews
show musical crystal of time reviews

Another plus put by parents for the educational function of the presentation. The heroes are looking for crystal particles and end up in different eras. The audience, along with the characters, will learn more about prehistoric times, Egypt and the Middle Ages. Many young viewers at home want to become more familiar with these cultural segments. Parents say that the Crystal of Time has a positive effect on the development of children. The reviews for this show are often very good. Adults are most happy when their children are asked to tell them more about pharaohs and dinosaurs.

However, not all the plot evokes pleasant feelings. In the production, the main characters trusted the evil witch. Skeptics argue that this scene, to some extent, can encourage children to talk to strangers or give something to them.

Fun on stage

Other parents liked the performance very much. The actors know how to communicate with the audience, the laser show is very bright and expensive, and the script is exciting, the audience says. Also, adults share that the plot captivates children. Kids, along with the main characters, travel to fairy tale countries. Artists know how to communicate with such an audience. The voices are set, the text bounces off teeth, the costumes fit the characters. In addition, the directors tried to make a show out of the play “The Crystal of Time”. Feedback on the content is also often positive. The adults who were on the production liked the fact that the script was aimed at a children's audience. The phrases of the main characters are simple. Sometimes, of course, slang slips through. However, the actors do not say anything that schoolchildren do not use. On the contrary, Tim's character lines are very lively and colorful.

The performance has expressive and light humor. After every second phrase, the hall explodes with laughter. It should be noted that it is fun not only for children, but also for adults.

children's show musical crystal of time reviews
children's show musical crystal of time reviews

Chief Referees

However, many visitors forget that the play "The Crystal of Time" is aimed at a children's audience. Feedback from young viewers is always positive. They like bright costumes of heroes. Moreover, students are captivated by an unusual plot.

Of course, many parents believe that their children are very hard to surprise. What the older generation seems to be a real fairy tale, today's guys perceive as something ordinary. And no wonder, because during computer games, movies ande-book show, which uses light and music, will not cause much enthusiasm for anyone. But this product is very different from the usual productions. It uses new technologies that make the ordinary story truly unique.

performance time crystal reviews
performance time crystal reviews

Absolutely fresh product - the play "The Crystal of Time". Feedback from young viewers is what parents really need to listen to when considering whether to buy tickets.
