Favorite and wonderful actors of the 90s

Favorite and wonderful actors of the 90s
Favorite and wonderful actors of the 90s

Humanity tends to look into its past with warm nostalgia. This is explained by the fact that the best years of life, memories from childhood and youth remain in the past of each of us.

Today, at the end of the second decade of the 21st century, we are all spectators of long-released films. Witnesses of the former glory, and sometimes withering, of cinema stars: our beloved, wonderful actors of the 90s of the XX century.

Russian cinema of the 90s

As you know, the 90s were characterized by an unprecedented crisis for our country associated with the collapse of the USSR, new reforms and the transition to a market economy.

Russian cinema of that time was in decline. Due to the lack of any funding, the films were practically not shot. Most of the actors of the 90s were unemployed, living in poverty and doing odd jobs. To survive, many of them had to leave the profession altogether or emigrate from the country. However, it was during this period that the foundations of the cinema of the new Russia were laid in the domestic cinema.

In art circles, it is generally accepted that the starting point of the new Russian cinema is the military drama "Come and See", directed by E. Klimov. The very fact of the appearance of such a film became possible only due to the weakening of censorship that had existed in the country until then. Now, instead of the idealization of cinematic images that reigned before, naturalness and realism have come to the fore, sometimes reaching truly frightening proportions.

The very peculiar period of "darkness" has come, for the most part scaring away from the screens of the viewer, tired of the already hopeless reality.

That time was characterized by the release of such bright and iconic films as "Repentance", "Assa", "Little Vera" and "Intergirl", which predetermined all the simple further genre diversity of domestic cinema. Soon followed a great many films that were weak in professional and creative terms, mostly ridiculous action films and low-grade comedies, which disappeared into oblivion along with the actors who played them in the 90s.

At the same time, Russian cinema at that time began to gain quite a lot of popularity abroad and participate in many international festivals. It was then that Nikita Mikhalkov's film "Burnt by the Sun" won the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film. Directors such as Leonid Kanevsky and Pavel Lungin were also popular outside the country.

A new generation of talented directors and actors has appeared in Russia. Such brightest films as "The Barber of Siberia" (N. Mikhalkov), "Prisoner of the Caucasus" and "Brother"(Sergey Bodrov Sr.), "Muslim" (A. Khotinenko) and "Moloch" (A. Sokurova) are still remembered and loved by millions of viewers of the country.

Let's dwell a little more on the most beloved domestic male actors of the 90s.

Sergey Bodrov Jr

This famous actor, director, producer and TV host needs no introduction. Sergei was and remains the most iconic and brightest idol of the 90s. Such paintings created by him and with his participation as "East-West", "War", "Brother", "Brother 2", "Prisoner of the Caucasus" and "Sisters" not only reflected the realities of the country's life, but also became truly cult for the audience. Almost two decades have passed since their release, but these films are still loved, in demand and in many ways relevant.

Sergei Bodrov Jr
Sergei Bodrov Jr

Unfortunately, Sergey's life was short. During the filming of the picture "The Messenger", which took place in the Karmadon Gorge of Vladikavkaz, the entire film crew, including Sergei Bodrov Jr. himself, died as a result of the Kolka glacier descending, which in a matter of minutes covered the entire gorge with a 60-meter layer of snow, ice and stones.

Andrey Sokolov

Most viewers remember this actor for his participation in the film "Little Vera", which caused a rather ambiguous and violent reaction from the majority of viewers with its harshness and frankness. However, Andrey himself, one of the most attractive domestic actors of the 90s, was not affected in any way. "Little Faith"brought him fame, popularity and love of the female audience.

Andrey Sokolov
Andrey Sokolov

In the 90s, Sokolov was a fairly sought-after actor, who could be seen in such films as The Executioner, Crazy Woman, Strange Men of Ekaterina Semenova, Prediction, Horses Carry Me… " and "Waiting Room".

Dmitry Kharatyan

Dmitry's popularity came back in 1983 after the release of the famous film "Green Van". Four years later, when the television movie "Midshipmen, forward!" was presented to the audience, he became a real star and the main handsome blond of the national cinema.

Dmitry Kharatyan
Dmitry Kharatyan

Dmitry remained one of the most popular Russian actors in the 90s, taking part in the filming of such films as "Vivat, midshipmen!", "Good weather on Deribasovskaya, or It's raining again on Brighton Beach", Hearts of Three, Miami Bridegroom, Queen Margot and Midlife Crisis.

American cinema of the 90s

computer graphics and special effects.

America's film industry, originating in the 1920s and reaching itsfinally flourished by the 1950s, by the beginning of the 1980s came to a real cult of actors, who by that time had moved away from constant control by film studios and, having received the status of stars, could already independently choose films in which they would like to act.

American actors of the 90s achieved such stardom and independence that they themselves often dictated the style and trends of the further development of the film industry. The mere presence of their last name in the credits could ensure the film's popularity and box office success. At the same time, the 1990s gave birth to a galaxy of movie stars and many world-class masterpieces for American cinema.

Mickey Rourke

"Rumble Fish", "9 ½ Weeks", "Departure Prayer", "Desperate Hours", "Wild Orchid", "Francesca", "Angel Heart" - who is unfamiliar with these wonderful films played by the brilliant actor Mickey Rourke, whose popularity and career peaked in the 90s?

Mickey Rourke
Mickey Rourke

Rourke's last stellar film was "Bullet", in which he played a man from the criminal world, who found himself in a situation where everything that was in his past became a void, and everything that is possible in the future will also be emptiness. This film became a landmark for the actor, who really found himself at a crossroads in his life at that time. He retired from cinema and competed in the professional boxing ring for about 10 years. And when Rourke returned, he was no longer the charismatic actor loved by millions of his fans. He has changed a lot,both externally and internally.

For a long time he was not taken to significant roles. Nevertheless, the actor did not give up, and today he can already be seen again in popular Western blockbusters.

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Who doesn't know Iron Arnie, the main idol of the boys of the 90s?!

An outstanding athlete-bodybuilder who came to America from Austria, familiar to viewers primarily from the cult trilogy "Terminator", became one of the brightest heroes of action movies and science fiction of those years.

Arnold Schwarzenegger
Arnold Schwarzenegger

By the end of the 90s, Schwarzenegger left the cinema and became the 38th governor of California, having served in this position for two terms.

Now he is back in cinema. Despite the fact that he is already 70 years old, Arnold Schwarzenegger continues to be a sought-after actor, who can often be seen in modern popular films.

Keanu Reeves

The last foreign actor of the 90s, whom we would not like to ignore, was Keanu Reeves - an actor with a difficult fate and an extraordinary attitude to life and the people around him.

Keanu became extraordinarily famous after the release of such cult masterpieces of cinema as "The Matrix", "Point Break" and "Speed", after which he was overtaken by tragic events - in the early 2000s, his wife and daughter died.

Keanu Reeves
Keanu Reeves

Since then, Reeves has been alone. Despite previously earned huge fees, he lives very modestly. You can easily see him at a street stand munching a burger, orriding the subway. Keanu has the status of the saddest movie star and leads the life of an absolutely ordinary person. According to him, everything that was dear to him in life, he had already lost. And he doesn't need anything else.

Sometimes an actor still pleases the audience with new movie roles.


This article presents the names of only a few of the most popular Russian and American actors of the 90s, whose photos could be seen in this article. And how many more names are inscribed in the annals of world cinema of those years! Evgeny Evstigneev, Alexander Mikhailov, Mikhail Boyarsky, Nikolai Karachentsov, Jean Reno, Pierre Richard, Gerard Depardieu, Til Schweiger, Mithun Chakraborty and many other wonderful actors gave us a lot of childhood and youthful impressions that have remained in our hearts forever.
