Sasha "White". "Brigade" and its hero

Sasha "White". "Brigade" and its hero
Sasha "White". "Brigade" and its hero

Today, such a hero as Sasha "White" has already become history. It symbolizes a whole era for Russia. A bandit and at the same time a rather interesting personality, an anti-hero and a hero rolled into one - all this is Sasha "Bely" - a symbol of the criminal nineties.

Where did this character come from?

sasha white brigade
sasha white brigade

Already fourteen years have passed since the first show of the series-revelation "The Brigade", the main character of which Sasha "Bely", became for a while even the idol of youth. How did the crew and writers manage to create such a lively series? How did they manage to make the main character such an interesting person? There is only one answer: the allegedly fictional person Alexander Belov, an ordinary guy who became one of the most influential criminal authorities, had a prototype. The image of Belov was created on the basis of a real person from the criminal world - the thief in law Sylvester. Like Sasha, Sylvester started small: a small protection racket and racketeering, but gradually he managed to rise to the leader of the organized criminal group Orekhovo-Medvedkovskaya, in which he, as a leader, created a clear hierarchy, the toughestdiscipline and unquestioning obedience to all orders without the possibility of challenging decisions. When Sylvester felt that he could lose everything he had, he staged his death by ordering a spectacular performance, after which few considered him alive. An explosion along with a fake funeral is the finale of his vibrant criminal life and the final scene of the Brigade series. There are eyewitnesses who saw Sylvester alive and well in Israel.


In the picture, along with the masters of acting, not very famous people managed to play. But those whose names are familiar to everyone: Valentina Telichkina, Alexander Belyavsky, Viktor Pavlov, Andrey Panin. For one famous Russian actor, the role in the TV series "Brigade" was the last one, he is Nikolai Eremenko Jr., who played the father of Sasha's best friend White Cosmos. He did not manage to see the premiere of the film, as it took place after the death of the actor. Eremenko Jr. died of a stroke. Who played Sasha "White" in the "Brigade"? It can be said for sure that people who are at least a little familiar with Russian films will immediately recognize Alexander Bezrukov in Sasha "White", who managed to perfectly get used to the image of a Russian mafia.

Influencing youth

series brigade sasha white
series brigade sasha white

The picture was a kind of revelation for that time, because at the beginning of the 2000s they had never spoken so openly about crime and the life of bandits, the Brigade series became a pioneer. Sasha "Bely" has become a role model, and children and youth usually like to imitate. In the wake of the popularity of the series on television incriminal activity has increased in the country: robberies, vandalism, racketeering, murders. Many wanted to become like Bee, Kos, Phil, or even like Sasha "White" himself. The “brigade” was not the root cause of the crimes of young people, but it became a kind of impetus that led people to fulfill their terrible fantasies. Most imitators quickly calmed down, but for some it became more than just a game. The saddest outcome was for a young man named Leonid Sidorov. To follow, he chose Cosmos, later the guy called himself “Cosmos Yuryevich” like that. Leonid assembled a gang that went from car theft to murder and rape. In 2008, the guy was sentenced to thirteen years in prison.

General information about the events of the series

who played sasha white in the brigade
who played sasha white in the brigade

Once upon a time there was a good Russian guy Alexander Belov, who later became better known as Sasha "Bely". "Brigada" tells his story, at the same time describing the "dashing 90s." The guy goes into the army, meanwhile his friends - Phil, Cosmos, Bee - begin to engage in racketeering. In the army, Belov has another good friend - Farkhad Juraev, with whom Sasha will later become a partner in the drug trade. Service life passes - demobilization. Alexander breaks up with a friend-colleague and goes home. First of all, he goes to his girlfriend's house, but after waiting for a long time at her door, no one came out. After that, Belov finds out that his girlfriend is dating the bandit "Fly". The hero finds Mukhin and arranges a showdown, he is beaten, but Sasha is saved by true friends. Thus, Belov gradually becomes involved in gangster games with friends. The conflict with Mukhin develops into a major set-up, "Fly" is killed, Sasha "Bely" becomes guilty. The "brigade" is formed at the most critical moment, when the hero was a millimeter away from death.

The guys start their big journey with racketeering, after which they manage to raise a lot of money. The main work is done by Sasha "Bely" himself. The "brigade" is growing, and soon Belov meets his army comrade Juraev. They start dealing drugs, Farhad is killed. Belov's guys quickly find the killers, revenge is quickly accomplished, revenge, whose name is Sasha "Bely".

"Brigade" throughout its length says that there is nothing romantic in crime. Those who get involved are left with nothing.
