Rati Agnihotri: biography and creativity

Rati Agnihotri: biography and creativity
Rati Agnihotri: biography and creativity

Today we will tell you who Rati Agnihotri is. Her biography and creative activity will be described below. We are talking about a popular Indian actress. She was born on December 10, 1960, to a Punjabi family.


rati agnihotri
rati agnihotri

Rati Agnihotri and her family come from India. She was born in Bombay. The actress comes from a conservative family. However, she was still allowed to become a model. It happened when the girl was 10 years old. Later, when the future actress was already a teenager, for reasons related to her father's work, the family had to go to Madras. She attended school there. During her studies, she took part in productions. Here she was noticed by a famous Tamil director. He was looking for a girl to star in a new movie.

Creativity and family

rati agnihotri movies
rati agnihotri movies

Rati Agnihotri starred in Pudhiya Varpukal at the age of 16. He came out on screens in 1979. It was the girl's film debut. To take part in the filming, the actress received the consent of her father. The film was a huge success. Soon the director invited the girl to another picture. The actress was well received by the public. She starred with the stars of Indian cinema. ATIn 1981, she got a role in a remake of one of the blockbusters. The film was about lovers separated by their parents. This role brought her incredible popularity. The film received many awards. Rati Agnihotri was named Best Actress.

Then she played in 43 films. Their language was Hindi. In one of the works, Amitabh Bachchan became her partner. Soon she received the second prize as the best actress. Rati Agnihotri was at the height of her success when she got married. It happened in 1985, on February 9th. Anil Virvani, an architect and businessman, became her chosen one.

Marriage and the imminent death of her father forced the actress to leave the film career. In 1987, she gave birth to her only child. She focused on education. I started helping my husband. Her son has grown up.

The actress returned to the cinema after a break of 16 years. Her family supported her decision. In 2001, she played the charming mother of Kajol. After this role, many offers from various directors rained down on her. In 2003, she made her debut in an English film. She also took part in the work on the series. Now the actress is acting in films and supports the architectural projects of her husband. In addition, she cooperates with social organizations dealing with AIDS, oncology and other serious diseases.


rati agnihotri biography
rati agnihotri biography

Now you know who Rati Agnihotri is. Films with her participation will be presented below.

  • In 1981, she starred in the film "Created".
  • In 1982 she acted in films"Demon in the Rib", "Star", "Imaginary Saint", "Justice!".
  • In 1983 she worked on The Porter and The Lucky Chance.
  • She starred in The Boxer and Justice in 1984
  • In 1985, Rati Agnihotri worked on the paintings Melting Clouds, Upside Down, Powerful, Crime Secrets, My Soul, Gift of Fate.
  • In 1986 she starred in the films "Together", as well as "Life Story".
  • In 2001 she worked on the paintings "Twins" and "Memories".
  • In 2002 she starred in Hot Heart, No Better, Not You, Trip, Alien.
  • In 2004 she worked on the paintings "You", "Mentor", "Well", "Heart", "Thank you", "Kiss of Fate".
  • In 2005, she starred in the film "The Failed Engagement".
  • In 2006, she got a role in the film Mad Money.
  • In 2008 she worked on the films God, Jimmy, If Only.
  • In 2009 she starred in the films "Fate", "Fortune", "Make a Wish", "Fathers".
  • In 2011, she starred in the movie The Uninvited Guests.
  • In 2012, she starred in the film "Diary of a Butterfly".


rati agnihotri and her family
rati agnihotri and her family

Rati Agnihotri played in the movie "Intruders". Its main character is Derjan Singh. He is a dangerous bandit. His father kept the whole region in check for 40 years. She became the patrimony of Derjan. He comes here with jewelry and diamonds, which he managed to steal in 20 years.

He meets with Don Gajrai and his right hand Ranjit and asks for assistance in the salejewelry. For this promises a reward of 10 percent. Gajray goes to one of the jewelry shops to sell the loot. By chance, a bandit called "AD" stole Gajrai's van while escaping from the police. 3 more criminals jumped into the same car. The cops are chasing the foursome for various reasons.

AD loves Shreya, the police inspector's niece. However, the uncle decided to marry the girl to another person. Shreya and AD want to elope. Thus begins the pursuit of the van by the police and Gajrai.
