Group "Leprikonsy": history and albums

Group "Leprikonsy": history and albums
Group "Leprikonsy": history and albums

The group "Leprikonsy" is a Belarusian pop-punk band, formed in 1997. The founder, vocalist and author of the main part of the band's compositions is Ilya Mitko. The prerequisites for the creation of the group arose in 1996. Ilya Mitko, even before the creation of a new band, played in a punk rock band called Kindergarten.

History of Creation

group of lepricons
group of lepricons

The creator of the Leprikonsy group was a vocalist in his last team. However, he still lacked freedom. Therefore, the group did not last long, in turn, the vocalist who left it created another team and called it "Leprikon". Colleagues performed hardcore. In 1997, the team recorded their first demo tape and also started using the accordion.

This instrument was taken over by former bassist Vladimir Fedoruk. The musicians called their first brainchild "Kids" and sold this work in the amount of ten pieces. There were 20 cassettes in total. After that, a real turnover began in the group. Bassists and guitarists have come and gone. Girls were replaced by boys.

Finally, the series of abrupt changes is over, and a newthe composition of the musicians began to write a serious full-length album with the working title "A Man Walks and Smiles", but this work was released later under the name "We were SUPER with you".

Before the release of this album, the refrain "Khali-gali, paratrouper" was already sounding on the radio stations, and the Leprikonsy group managed to conclude an agreement with the Soyuz studio.

From that moment concerts, festivals, broadcasts and tours started. Among such events, the performance of the group at the opening of the second day of the festival "Invasion - 2000" can be considered the main one. The band's second album was released in 2001, in the summer.


The songs of the "Leprikonsy" group were included in several albums, the first of them appeared in 1997 and was called "A Man Walks and Smiles". In addition, the team released the following works: “We were SUPER with you”, “All the guys are peppers”, “.. for Poplar!”, “From West to East”, “Lack”, “By wire”, “Ten years”, "Gift", "Super Girl".

composition of lepricons
composition of lepricons

Interesting facts

"Super-Eight", "Paratrupper" and "Khali-Gali" are the names of attractions that are located in Minsk, in Chelyuskintsev Park. A song mentioning these objects was written in the capital of Belarus in 1999. The composition "And we play KVN with you" can be heard in the title screensaver of the KVN for Encore project. The song "Khali-gali" sounds in the series called "Team B".

Ilya Mitko in the group was nicknamed Adamych and Philip. The leader of the group admits that in high school he was already actively playing concerts with his group in various alternative clubs. Minsk. At that time, musicians were invited to sing in Salihorsk for the first time.

However, the concert did not take place, because Fedya's parents did not let him go then. The leader of the group says that he always dreamed of forming a group and his wish came true at the age of fifteen.
