Durov Animal Theatre: history, attractions and interesting facts

Durov Animal Theatre: history, attractions and interesting facts
Durov Animal Theatre: history, attractions and interesting facts

The Durov Animal Theatre, the history of which is described in this article, is one of the most unusual in the world. There was not and still is not in any country anything similar to his circus. The performances of "Durov's Corner" are very popular with the audience.

About the theater

Durov Animal Theater
Durov Animal Theater

The history of the Durov Animal Theater in Moscow began in 1912. It was then that the founder of the legendary circus dynasty opened his unique circus, on the stage of which people and animals performed. Vladimir Leonidovich Durov had his own training methods. He did not use a stick and whip. He brought up kindness, affection, love and encouraged goodies. Vladimir Durov treated animals as sentient and understanding creatures.

In addition to performances, excursions and scientific developments took place in his theater, so the building housed a museum and a laboratory of zoopsychology. This is a unique institution.

The appearance of the building, which houses the Durov Animal Theatre, has hardly changed since then. "Cornergrandfather Durov" - this is exactly what his name sounds like. The room in which he lives was built according to the project of the most famous architect of that time, August Weber.

In 2012 the theater turned 100 years old. Today it has two stages - Bolshoy (designed for 328 seats) and Malaya (accommodating up to 90 spectators). As before, the main goal of his work is not to entertain, but also to teach viewers to treat our younger brothers with love and kindness, to be honest, to respect elders and always come to the aid of their friends.

The performances of "Grandfather Durov's Corner" are intended for viewers from a year and a half to infinity. Each visitor, in addition to the performance, can visit the museum and the laboratory.

"Grandfather Durov's Corner" allows you to get into a real fairy tale. Here the animals behave exactly as described in Russian fairy tales. The kids will see that the fox-sister can be cunning, the wise raven can count and talk, and the bunny will definitely get into various troubles.

Elephants, raccoons, monkeys, badgers, hippos, lions, eagles and other animals perform on stage.

Animal trainers are real virtuosos. They use only gentle training methods that were developed by V. L. Durov.

Interesting facts about theater:

  • The street on which it is located was renamed and named after V. L. Durova.
  • The statues of animals that adorn the foyer of the theater were fashioned by Vladimir Leonidovich with his own hands.
  • Animals that participated in performances,were referred to in the poster as "acting muzzles".

The Durov Dynasty

durov animal theater in moscow
durov animal theater in moscow

The Durov Animal Theater has existed for more than a hundred years. It was founded by the world-famous founder of the circus dynasty. Vladimir Leonidovich was born in 1863. He was from an old noble family.

B. Durov and his younger brother Anatoly were orphaned early and were brought up in the family of their godfather N. Z. Zakharov. He was going to make the boys military, but the brothers loved the circus, were fond of acrobatics and enjoyed watching clown performances.

Soon Vladimir and Anatoly fled to Tver. There they joined Rinaldo's traveling circus troupe. They had to go through a difficult acting school. They have mastered all circus professions.

In 1912, Vladimir Leonidovich opened "Durov's Corner". Here he lived until the end of his days with his family, and worked here.

The circus rider became Durov's wife. After his death, she headed the theater. These duties were then taken over by their daughter Anna.

The Durov Dynasty is six People's Artists and three Honored Artists.

Now the theater is headed by the great-grandson of Vladimir Leonidovich - Yuri Yuryevich.


Durov Animal Theater history
Durov Animal Theater history

The Durov Animal Theater this season includes the following performances in its repertoire:

  • "In the footsteps of the Snow Queen".
  • "The story of the glass slipper".
  • "Turnip".
  • "An extraordinary journey".
  • "The Adventures of Roy the Elf".
  • "Give me a fairy tale".
  • "How Babka-Yozhka became kind".
  • "The Tale of the Golden Fish" and others.

Human Actors

Animal Theater named after Durov attractions
Animal Theater named after Durov attractions

The Durov Animal Theater is talented trainers and actors rolled into one.

Real virtuosos work in the troupe:

  • Lyudmila Terekhova.
  • Natalia Durova Jr.
  • Liya Makienko.
  • Ekaterina Zverintseva.
  • Nahum Kannengiser.
  • Irina Sidorova-Popova.
  • Maria Smolskaya.
  • Marina Frolova.
  • Yuri Yuryevich Durov.
  • Svetlana Maksimova.
  • Vildan Yakubov.
  • Elena Sokolova.
  • Irina Sizova.
  • Vladimir Somov and others.

Animal Actors

The Durov Animal Theater is a troupe that consists not only of people. Animals work here too. They are treated like real artists. They live and work in Ugolka:

  • Chimpanzee Tom.
  • Goat Yesha.
  • Behemoth Dobrynya.
  • Monkey Jasmine.
  • Badger Chuk.
  • Suzy the Elephant.
  • Hippo Fly.
  • Tigress Masyanya.
  • Rami the Elephant.
  • Medved Petrovich.
  • Donkey Dolly.

And also cats, dogs, ponies, porcupines, goats, coats and so on.


animal theater historynamed after Durov in Moscow
animal theater historynamed after Durov in Moscow

The Durov Animal Theater in Moscow has its own museum. It is located in an old mansion of the late 19th century. This is the same house where the founder of the circus dynasty, Vladimir Leonidovich Durov, lived. The trainer's family lived on the second floor. On the first floor there was a menagerie, the Kroshka Animal Theatre, a scientific laboratory and a zoological museum.

Today there are guided tours that acquaint visitors with the life and work of V. L. Durov. In the museum you can see old photographs and posters, stage costumes.

Entering VL Durov's office, visitors see Vladimir Leonidovich sitting at the table. He "comes to life" and goes out to the public. The role of V. Durov is played by theater actor O. Savitsky. Then he shows his pets. Demonstrates the training method used by Vladimir Leonidovich.

The museum has a living corner. The main attractions invented by the master are recreated here.

Mouse Railroad

Animal Theater named after Durov Grandfather Durov's Corner
Animal Theater named after Durov Grandfather Durov's Corner

The Animal Theater named after Durov is unique not only for its performances. Its sights also delight not only young visitors, but also their parents. These include attractions that were invented by V. L. Durov: "Tishka the Raccoon's Laundry Room", "Friendly Lunch".

The most beloved and famous among them is "Mouse Railway". This is a mechanical attraction in which live mice take part. It was completely renovated in 2013year. Before the audience appears the settlement of Myshgorod. Wonderful mice live here. And then one day they go to a sports competition. They ride the train, sail the boat, fly the plane and take the funicular!

These funny mice have a best friend. It's a cat. She tells the story of the adventures that happen to little travelers. The performance ends with the Cat going around the auditorium, holding a hand mouse, which allows all the children to pet.
