Dana Sokolova: biography and creativity

Dana Sokolova: biography and creativity
Dana Sokolova: biography and creativity

Every year new stars light up in the domestic show business. Dana Sokolova has been performing for a long time, but fame came to her after the project of the STS Love channel - Young Blood. There she maintained a leadership position from the very casting. This extraordinary girl attracted fans with her strong jazz vocals and outrageous appearance.

Born to Win

Dana Sokolova
Dana Sokolova

This is the motto Dana Sokolova took for herself in life. She has tattooed these words on her arm and uses the expression as her social media status. A girl was born in Riga in 1996, now she lives permanently in Moscow, but visits her hometown with joy. Since childhood, Dana's parents knew that she would sing. First, she was sent to a music school, where she majored in piano.

Later she entered the conservatory and became a pop-jazz singer. She entered the big stage to participate in the "Discovering talents" contest. The vocalist was then only 9 years old, but the songs of Dana Sokolova conquered the jury. Later there were many other competitions and performances on the big stage. After the song Sway, performed in 2009, Dana was often invited to perform. In 2010, she already startedexperiment with hair color and hairstyle, while she appeared on the big stage several times in different looks.

Young blood

songs given by Sokolova
songs given by Sokolova

Since 2010, Dana Sokolova begins to periodically perform in clubs, where she usually performed cover versions of famous songs. The audience warmly accepts it, and there are more performances. In parallel, she writes poetry and prepares her own collection for publication. Zukus was released in 2015. After her presentation, Dana noted that this event was one of the most important in her life, because all the poems were written from the heart.

In parallel, Dana was looking for an opportunity to gain fame at the All-Russian level. And the chance came very soon. The whole country found out who Dana Sokolova was. "Young Blood" is a project that Timati organized to search for talents. It was after him that many remembered Dana, because she has a very unusual vocal and bright appearance. In addition, she shocked the audience by shaving her head.

Black Star Mafia

Dana Sokolova young blood
Dana Sokolova young blood

Now Dana Sokolova is a shocking singer collaborating with Timati and his production center. In February 2016, Dana could be seen in the video of the Black Star Mafia group, filmed for the song "Into the Chips". Many believe that the singer is no longer working solo, but in a team with Timati. In confirmation of this, we can cite Dana's participation on the Big Love Show, where she sang the chorus of the composition "Into the Chips". In fact, the singer is also building a solo career. She takes every opportunity to engagesinging, because this is her favorite thing since childhood. The audience warmly accepts the girl and, with bated breath, follows her changes in appearance. In recent years, the girl appeared on stage with African braids, shaved temples and a completely bald head.

In March 2016, the presentation of the song "Only Forward" performed by Dana took place. Now the employees of the production center say that they are actively working on recording the girl's own album. In parallel, she takes part in the recording of the tracks of the Black Star Mafia group.
