Charlie McDermott: Hollywood's Eternal Teen

Charlie McDermott: Hollywood's Eternal Teen
Charlie McDermott: Hollywood's Eternal Teen

Charlie McDermott started his acting career early and starred in an Oscar-nominated film at the age of eighteen. In addition, Charlie has many other notable works on his account, and he is familiar to a wide range of viewers from the role of Axel Hack in the sitcom It Happens Worse.

Movie fanatic

Charlie McDermott was born in West Chester, Pennsylvania, in 1990. Relatives and friends of the boy had no doubt that he was waiting for a brilliant career in film and television. From an early age, he was obsessed with the idea of becoming an outstanding actor or director.

charlie mcdermott
charlie mcdermott

He was interested in every step of the filmmaking process, from directing to editing, Charlie was serious about even details like scouting out the future location, forcing his patient parents to drive him around town.

Charlie McDermott was also able to get his high school teachers to let him submit assignment reports in various subjects in the form of his amateur films. With such an attitude to the matter, it is not surprising that from childhood the persistent boy stormednumerous castings and auditions without getting upset about rejections.

Long-awaited debut

After learning that M. Night Shyamalan was casting in Philadelphia for his new film, the West Chester native immediately entered the audition.

actor charlie mcdermott
actor charlie mcdermott

He was lucky enough to pull out a lucky ticket and get his place in the ensemble cast of the mystical picture "Mysterious Forest". He got a small role as a nameless ten-year-old boy, but the fact that the aspiring actor Charlie McDermott immediately appeared in the project of a famous director was important.

The road to a successful career has been cleared, and the teenager is actively involved in the race for new roles. He starred in a series of commercials and landed a role in the comedy series Windy Acres, directed by Jay Craven.


Once he mentioned that he plans to make a film "Disappearance" about the harsh everyday life of smugglers in the legendary days of Prohibition in the United States. The main character of the future project was the same age as Charlie Wild Bill, who helped his father to illegally transport alcohol across state lines.

charlie mcdermott movies
charlie mcdermott movies

The tenacious teenager was on fire with the idea of getting the role and began to prepare for his future audition with determination. For eight months, Charlie McDermott stubbornly tortured himself with physical training, chopped wood, tempered himself with cold water and completely abandoned modern gadgets - in general, he got used to the image of a rural boy with might and mainthirties.

However, no one guaranteed Charlie an easy life. He had to go through a whole series of the most careful selections. A series of auditions in New York, screen tests in Vermont, and the final casting in Hollywood - Charlie McDermott has overcome this intricate maze to get the coveted role in the fight against a hundred competitors.


At the age of sixteen, Charlie McDermott decided to move closer to the main film sets in the country and moved to Los Angeles. This decision fully justified itself, the teenage actor had no shortage of proposals for cooperation, he was willingly invited to act in films and on television. Charlie did not shun any work and actively worked on both fronts.

charlie mcdermott personal life
charlie mcdermott personal life

He managed to play in the series "The Office", "Medium", Generation Gap, becoming a recognizable actor for millions of viewers. Light youth comedies also could not do without the participation of Charlie. "Sexdrive", "Jacuzzi Time Machine" - these works did not add sympathy to him among film critics, but made him popular among teenagers.

The most significant among Charlie McDermott's films was the serious Frozen River project. Here he played the role of TJ, the son of the main character. The picture was approved by film critics and was even nominated for an Oscar. The individual contribution of the young actor did not go unnoticed. Left without major film awards, Charlie McDermott won the Independent Spirit Award for Best Supporting Actor.

At some pointfate turned out so that the young laureate finally chose television, leaving the big screen. In 2009, he landed a recurring role as Axel Hake on the sitcom It Can Get Worse. No one expected this, but the series has received huge popularity, ratings are kept at a consistently high level, and work on it continues to this day.

Since then, the actor is perceived primarily as Axel Haeck and practically does not appear in films. Charlie McDermott's personal life is not as busy as he would like, most of his time goes to work.
