
Let's find out why you can't crush an egg with one hand

Let's find out why you can't crush an egg with one hand

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

In fact, there are many things in the world that are simply amazing in their awesomeness. Sometimes it seems that getting answers to questions is simply impossible. But if you think carefully, then to resolve the situation, it is enough to apply the simple rules of various sciences

Jewish humor quotes. Funny Jewish jokes

Jewish humor quotes. Funny Jewish jokes

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

For decades, the Jewish anecdote meant something completely miserable-Soviet about Abram and Sarah, with a burr in which, presumably, the main humor lurked. Openings await us… (V. Shenderovich)

What are flat jokes and how to deal with them

What are flat jokes and how to deal with them

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Not everyone knows how to distinguish flat jokes from high-quality humor. And all because today comedians do not have time to work efficiently. After all, you need to write a new program for a long time, then rehearse, and why bother yourself when you can also tour with the old one? Today we will analyze the concept of a flat joke and give examples

Arkady Arkanov: biography, personal life, creativity of a humorist

Arkady Arkanov: biography, personal life, creativity of a humorist

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Subtle, smart, ironic, intelligent humor gave its readers and viewers a stunning and unforgettable satirist writer Arkady Mikhailovich Arkanov

Really good humor - comedians of the USSR

Really good humor - comedians of the USSR

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

In conditions of total control and censorship, our comedians joked so that their numbers are still parsed for quotes. Let's take a closer look at these outstanding personalities

Mikhail Zhvanetsky - a classic of humor

Mikhail Zhvanetsky - a classic of humor

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

There are many interesting people in the world. Someone can reveal their talent, someone can not. Mikhail Zhvanetsky is a unique person who, during his lifetime, became a legend of humor in almost all Russian-speaking countries. His quotes are thin and sharp as a needle. But at the same time, so close and understandable to everyone

The formation of the Comedy Club, how and with whom. Actors Comedy Club

The formation of the Comedy Club, how and with whom. Actors Comedy Club

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Comedy Club is a humorous TV show, which was created by people from KVN. How they did it and what they achieved now you will find out

Andrey Rozhkov: biography of a member of the Ural dumplings team

Andrey Rozhkov: biography of a member of the Ural dumplings team

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Andrey Rozhkov combines several hypostases - an exemplary family man, a merry fellow and a creative person. Do you want to know where he was born and studied? What is his marital status? We are ready to provide you with all the necessary information about the artist

USB group: composition and history of creation

USB group: composition and history of creation

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

USB is a regular performer on the Comedy Club stage. The audience has an ambiguous attitude towards this team. Some consider the guys' jokes too vulgar, others support this format of humor. Do you know when the USB group was formed? Do you know the names of its members? If not, then we recommend that you read the contents of the article

The key to success in victory is a funny team name

The key to success in victory is a funny team name

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

A name for a team is like a name for a person, both one and the other cannot exist without it. Therefore, there are no nameless teams, just as there are no nameless people. However, the usual name, especially in humorous contests, makes the game not as interesting and funny as if it had at least something funny and light. And of course, having a funny but appropriate title would probably give you an extra point for originality and humor

How to prank your friends at school: the main rules of a good joke

How to prank your friends at school: the main rules of a good joke

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

April 1 is one of the funniest and funniest days on the calendar. Many have not yet lost their excitement and childishness, which are especially aggravated on this day. Even adults and serious people sometimes like to play a trick on their colleagues or arrange a surprise for their family

American comedians: the best of the best

American comedians: the best of the best

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

American comedians know how to joke so that no one will remain indifferent. Especially when it comes to the very best of the best

Who are they - the best comedians in Russia?

Who are they - the best comedians in Russia?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Laughter not only improves mood, but also, as you know, prolongs life. Accordingly, people who know how to make people laugh are doing a noble deed. Russia is rich in comedians. Many of them are known to both adults and children. After all, performances are aimed at groups of various ages. There are many amazing people to remember

Anecdote is funny and short

Anecdote is funny and short

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

What is a joke? What is a linguistic joke? Where did the jokes about Vovochka come from? You will find answers to these and some other questions in the article. In addition, you will read many short stories that are funny to tears

Creators of "Ural dumplings" Rozhkov and Myasnikov

Creators of "Ural dumplings" Rozhkov and Myasnikov

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

KVN gave a start in life to many teams and individual actors. Sergey Svetlakov, Alexander Reva, Mikhail Galustyan, Svetlana Permyakova revealed their talents by playing in the legendary teams. Actually, the ideas of numerous humorous shows were born on the competition sites, the most famous of which is Ural Pelmeni

Scientific humor: mind games or advanced jokes

Scientific humor: mind games or advanced jokes

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Maybe not every simple layman understands them, but a huge number of jokes are spinning in scientific circles. Joking "experienced mind" for every reason and for no reason, sometimes dragging mathematics even in order to declare their love. Let us also plunge into the world of scientific jokes and taste what this scientific humor, hitherto unknown to mere mortals, is

KVN team "Sports Station": composition, participants, team captain, creation and performances

KVN team "Sports Station": composition, participants, team captain, creation and performances

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

The team that was supposed to become the champion of the Major League of the Club of cheerful and resourceful. On January 10, 2018, she turned 15 years old. Who are we talking about? About the team of KVN "Sportivnaya Station". The composition of this company, its life before and now, victories and losses, and history - this is all that excites those who have seen at least one performance of the guys

Where did Ekaterina Kudryavtseva ("Ural dumplings") disappear?

Where did Ekaterina Kudryavtseva ("Ural dumplings") disappear?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Ray of light in the team of KVN "Ural dumplings" Ekaterina Kudryavtseva recently changed her profession dramatically. Now she is more often seen in the pre-trial detention center than in public. At first, this information seemed to be someone's joke. But time has shown that everything is serious. Although she still did not quit KVN

Intellectual joke: examples

Intellectual joke: examples

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

This article contains the funniest intellectual jokes. All of them are dedicated to different topics and were created at different times. But they still cause laughter and contribute to a good mood today

Kirill Kokovkin: biography, personal life

Kirill Kokovkin: biography, personal life

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Kirill Kokovkin is a showman who is rapidly gaining popularity thanks to his participation in KVN as part of the Soyuz team. How he won fame, what he was fond of before the "Club of cheerful and resourceful", what he is doing now - all this is discussed in this article

The tallest member of KVN Tamara Titchenkova. Who is it?

The tallest member of KVN Tamara Titchenkova. Who is it?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

There is such a famous team - the team of the Great Moscow State Circus. Many fans of KVN highly appreciate the skill of the members of this team. All participants know how to joke witty, rich in different talents (singing, dancing). There is a member in the team who, in addition to talents, also has an outstanding appearance. This is a member of KVN Tamara Titchenkova. Let's take a closer look at who this is and what is famous for?

Mikhail Ozerov: from "Circus" to theater

Mikhail Ozerov: from "Circus" to theater

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Article about the creative path of the finalist of the project "Voice 4" Mikhail Ozerov, his family and work with Alexander Gradsky in the theater

Funny jokes about mother-in-law and daughter-in-law

Funny jokes about mother-in-law and daughter-in-law

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Relationships between different generations of the family often become an occasion for jokes. There are many funny stories about mother-in-law and son-in-law. There are much fewer jokes about mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. Let's try to fix this situation

Galkin's growth, his biography and creativity

Galkin's growth, his biography and creativity

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Famous parodist Maxim Galkin. His biography, becoming an artist and personal life. From an early age, Maxim was noticed for his ability to brilliantly imitate the headmaster, teachers and classmates, the parodist himself says that he inherited this talent from his maternal grandmother

Jokes from Zhirinovsky: politics with a point

Jokes from Zhirinovsky: politics with a point

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Zhirinovsky is known for his outrageous behavior. What anecdote was he delighted with when he himself told it?

How to make a person laugh - a girl or a guy?

How to make a person laugh - a girl or a guy?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Do you know how to make the person next to you laugh? Sometimes this is not so easy to do, especially if the companion has no sense of humor at all. Fortunately, such serious persons are quite rare. Most of us love funny comedies and comedy performances. Laughter is an integral part of the best events in life, holidays. Let's try to understand how to make a person laugh with words and actions

Funny jokes about eggs

Funny jokes about eggs

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

This article is about a joke about eggs. But the reader should not worry, all these samples of humor do not contain anything obscene

Funny jokes about chickens and roosters

Funny jokes about chickens and roosters

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

A selection of funny jokes about chickens, roosters and people. Some of the jokes contain a hint of profanity, but within the bounds of decency, otherwise the whole meaning of the joke is lost

American humor: why does a chicken cross the road

American humor: why does a chicken cross the road

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

"Why did the chicken cross the road?" - this is how a common American joke sounds, the essence of which is to find the reason why the chicken decided to get to the other side. And really, why did she do it?

Popular humorist Igor Khristenko: biography, personal life, creativity

Popular humorist Igor Khristenko: biography, personal life, creativity

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Many people love the Full House program, in which Igor Khristenko performed as an artist. The article tells about his path to the stage, personal life and hobbies. About what the artist is doing today

"BAK - Companions": composition of the KVN team

"BAK - Companions": composition of the KVN team

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

At the Sochi KVN festival in 2009, the BAK-Partners team first appeared on the stage. This team included two KVN teams from the Krasnodar Territory at once - "BAK" from the village of Bryukhovetskaya and "Partners" from the city of Armavir. We invite you to get to know this team, its composition and achievements

Jokes about doctors and patients

Jokes about doctors and patients

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

A collection of the funniest jokes about doctors is presented for your judgment. Their heroes are doctors of various speci alties

Funny animal jokes

Funny animal jokes

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Funny stories and jokes about animals are always very popular. After all, their stories give people the opportunity to look at their actions allegorically and with humor. We hope that the selection presented in this article will be of interest to the reader

Jokes - what is it? Meaning of the word

Jokes - what is it? Meaning of the word

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Psychologists, not without reason, believe that a sense of humor allows you to cope with many difficult life situations. All kinds of jokes are a kind of panacea, salvation from everyday disorder, moral experiences and even physical suffering

Arkady Arkanov: biography, photo, creativity of the satirist

Arkady Arkanov: biography, photo, creativity of the satirist

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Biography of Arkady Arkanov, his real name, childhood, studies at a medical institute, personal life. Creativity: stories, scripts, songs, monologues, books

The funniest jokes about welders

The funniest jokes about welders

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

There are a lot of jokes about representatives of various professions. For example, there are many humorous stories about doctors, accountants, businessmen. Jokes about welders are not so common. It is believed that comic situations rarely happen to representatives of this profession. However, there are still several dozen jokes about welders and welding. Some of them will be presented in this article

Comic program "Diesel Show": actors

Comic program "Diesel Show": actors

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

The humorous component of television on various popular channels today belongs to KVN graduates. Former teams with different "characters" of humor create projects that can make any audience laugh

Natalia Krasnova: biography

Natalia Krasnova: biography

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Natalya Krasnova is a successful video and Instagram blogger who is currently at the peak of her popularity. She was able to attract a sufficient number of followers to her own page through humorous videos. How she manages to interest a vast audience is not at all the main question of the presented article, and the main part of the material will relate directly to the biography and interesting facts from the personal life of a popular girl

Jokes about sailors and not only

Jokes about sailors and not only

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Work associated with the sea element is not only romance, but also hard work. And since humor often helps to cope with difficulties, jokes about sailors are sometimes invented by representatives of this profession themselves. We present to the reader a selection of similar funny stories

A funny joke about a mistress

A funny joke about a mistress

Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01

Love triangle issues are as old as time. These uneasy relationships have inspired many authors to create literary works and feature films. Do not ignore this topic and folk humor. Therefore, the joke about a mistress or lover does not lose its relevance. As an independent subgenre of oral folk art, it always remains popular and in demand