Love Stories by Lera Masterko

Love Stories by Lera Masterko
Love Stories by Lera Masterko

One of the brightest participants of "House 2", a brawler and just a red-haired beast - Lera Masterko. Her life on the project brought a lot of trouble to her colleagues in the television set. What did the audience remember Valeria, and what is happening in the girl's life now?


Born on June 29, 1988 in the city of Novokuznetsk. A provincial Siberian city gave her a secondary education and let her go to conquer the capital. In Moscow, the girl graduated from the Timiryazev Agricultural Institute and went to Cuba to celebrate this event. Where does a simple student get money for such trips? Lera Masterko herself spoke about this more than once on the project - she met with very we althy men. They provided for her and showered her with gifts, demanding unquestioning obedience in return. It was impossible to be a submissive and compliant girl, so all relationships ended in a break. After returning from Cuba, she gets a job at Byros. Colleagues appreciated her cheerfulness and explosive nature. As a joke, they invited her to try herself as a member of "House 2", and Lera Masterko went to the casting.

lera masterko
lera masterko

Building, building and finally building…

19August 2011, the gates of the television set opened for a new participant. Unlike most of the new members, she did not show sympathy for any guy. Valeria stated that she wants a child and, perhaps, she sees Philip as a father. She was not embarrassed that the guy at that time was in a relationship with Katya Kolisnichenko. The curly red-haired beast immediately made it clear to everyone that she would not play the role of a freak on the project. The girl was left in the "House". And she even managed to go on a date with Philip, but nothing good came of this meeting.

lera masterko house 2
lera masterko house 2

In the camp of enemies

The inhabitants of the TV set were wary of the new roommate in the bedroom. On the one hand, she was not a beauty on a generally recognized scale, but on the other hand, she could calmly arrange a fight. Which soon happened. The scandal with Oksana Strunkina turned into a brawl. Subsequently, they became best friends and, together with Liber Kpadonu, created a tripartite alliance, which even the “old men” of the project were afraid of. Sharp on the tongue, Lera intervened in all conflicts, and she herself more than once became the instigator of these. She quickly realized that you can not build love if your image is to the liking of the viewer and the management of the show. Focusing on intrigue and showdown, she quickly forgot about her desire to have a child.

lera masterko house 2
lera masterko house 2

What about love?

According to the rules of the project, those who do not build love go beyond the perimeter. To justify her presence in the house, the girl begins to express sympathy for the most odious participant in the show - VladKadoni. The black magician quickly realized that this could be a good spin, and for some time they tried to start a relationship. The venture failed with a bang. But after a few days, all the eyes of viewers were riveted to her person - for a long time a man came to her! Well, as a man - an alcoholic Kolya Dolzhansky. On the frontal spot, he declared that he was going crazy about Lera Masterko and was ready for the most desperate deeds for her.

Dolzhansky and Lera Masterko
Dolzhansky and Lera Masterko

Relationship with a twinkle

Valeria appreciated the impulse, but she was in no hurry to start a relationship with an eccentric man. The rapper dedicated poetry to her and did not get tired of declaring his love. After several weeks of courtship, she sets him a condition - if he buys expensive boots for her, then they will move to live together in city apartments. The man tensed up and made this gift to his goddess. Lera Masterko and Dolzhansky settle in the "City of Love". Living with an alcohol-abusing gentleman was a real test for a young girl. The scandals didn't end. The apartment has become a real battlefield. Lera beat her roommate and called him the very last words. In response, he promised to give up alcohol … and got drunk again. Tired of enduring a drunken face in dangerous proximity, the girl breaks off the relationship.

lera masterko
lera masterko

Beauty and the Beast

The arrival of Oleg Miami again gave the girl hope to build love. The pumped up handsome needed any way to get hooked on the project, and the sympathy of the old-timer Lera helped him do it. The guy quickly realized that the girl lost her head from hisunearthly beauty, and began to treat her with disdain. He did not miss the opportunity to hurt her external data and walk through her provincial spontaneity. Tired of enduring bullying from her lover, Lera accepts an offer to participate in the Cinderella Reboot project.

Dolzhansky and Lera Masterko
Dolzhansky and Lera Masterko

Almost love

Having returned with a new wardrobe and a changed appearance, Lera immediately breaks off relations with Oleg. She had hair extensions, taught how to do makeup and enlarged her lips. Now it was difficult to recognize in her the provincial simpleton Valeria. The most important alpha male of the television set, Alexei Samsonov, immediately drew attention to such a beauty. Everyone knew that he only chooses very beautiful girls, and Lera instantly acquired a different status within the show. However, this did not help her build a relationship with a guy. Confessing that she still loves Lesha, she still lets him go to look for the man of her dreams again.

lera masterko
lera masterko

After the project, the girl's life went well - she became a radio host in her native Novokuznetsk. Her photos regularly appear on Instagram, however, for the most part advertising. Rumors about her marriage appear regularly, but there is no confirmation of this.
