Who is Deborah Falconer? Biography and interesting facts

Who is Deborah Falconer? Biography and interesting facts
Who is Deborah Falconer? Biography and interesting facts

It is likely that the name of this American actress will not tell you anything. There are no cult films in her track record, she did not receive an Oscar and left her acting career a long time ago. However, many catwalk fans will remember the face of this truly beautiful model.

Deborah Falconer: Ordinary Childhood, Unusual Future

To become a world-class celebrity, she had to go through a difficult path from an ordinary girl to a catwalk star. She was born on August 13, 1965 in the US district of Sacramento in an ordinary family. She went to high school and went to college. And here, as often happens, a whirlwind of dizzying events turned the usual life in a different direction.

Deborah Falconer hung around agency doorsteps as soon as she realized she was extraordinarily beautiful. Strong-willed by nature, she did not want to sit on the neck of her parents, but dreamed of conquering the world herself. In high school, boys had courted her in the hope of being affectionate in return, but Deborah wasn't about to squander it on everyone. Remaining a little girl at heart, she dreamed of meeting a real prince.

Deborah Falconer
Deborah Falconer

From career to family

And one day the prince appearedrepresented by aspiring Hollywood actor Robert Downey Jr. The famous ladies' man, who had affairs in his youth with all the female colleagues in the shop, did not frighten our heroine. On the contrary, Deborah Falconer was ready to forgive him for his temper. They were even similar in some ways: Robert was building a career, Deborah herself was taking her first steps on television and successfully combined her modeling career.

The first fame came to her with the release of the biographical drama The Doors, where she got one of the small roles. However, everyone got sick of the film, including Falconer. She was invited to new pictures.

And a year earlier (in 1992) she and Downey Jr signed. They say their romance was so passionate that it took 42 days to decide on the wedding. The couple later had a son, Indio.

Deborah Falconer Movies

The track record of the actress is not so great. However, she happened to star in films of different genres. In 1993, she landed the lead role in the crime comedy Mister Bluesman. After that, she starred in the comedy-drama Short Cut, in which her husband also took part. Unfortunately, the actress decided to leave the cinema. And there were reasons for that.

Deborah Falconer
Deborah Falconer

Hollywood-style divorce

At one time they were considered the standard of a happy couple. Deborah became one of the Elite Model Management models belonging to the so-called “best of the best” caste. This included the most popular and sought-after girls at that time like Cindy Crawford and Naomi Campbell. Falconer took part inthe most luxurious and expensive shows.

She is fully focused on her modeling career, and the family has faded into the background. Not taking music seriously, but rather as a hobby, in 2003, when she was 38 years old, Deborah released her second disc. A year later, she and Robert Downey decided to part ways.

Today they maintain friendly relations, trying together to raise their common son. In 2014, Deborah released her third album called Lift Your Gaze. She does not give big concerts, but occasionally performs in clubs.
